mission complete

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Evie: Mal, Carlos, what have you done?
Malros: nothing
Jay: say it
*marlos looks at eachother*
Mal: okay, uhm we...
*Carlos iterrupt Mal*
Carlos: we can meet at my room
Jay&Evie: okay
*Jay&Evie goes to Carlos room*

Mal: thanks Carlos,
Carlos: no prob
Mal: are you sure we should say it?
Carlos: we are VKs remember?
Mal: oh, I forgot😛
Carlos: I know😛

In Carlos Room.
Jay&Evie: so, what have you done?
Mal: well, we should we say it Carlos?
Carlos: uhm, I think so
Mal: well, we
Carlos: have
Mal: stolen
Carlos: the
Mal: magic
Carlos: wand

Jay&Evie: WHAT???
Jay&Evie: Marlos!!!
Evie: why not?
Mal: because, its not my name
Jay: its youre and Carlos evil pair name😛
Malros: NOT FUNNY!!!!
Malros: jayve😂😂
Jay&Evie: NOT FUNNY!!!
Malros: 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Jayve: okay, not funny anymore
Marlos: you know what?
Jayve: no
Mal: Jayve are more funnier then Marlos😂😂
Carlos: yeah😂
Jayve: okay, stop now
Marlos: sorry, its just so funny
Carlos: very funny

Evie: but when did you find about that?
Marlos: you mean Jayve?😂😂😂
Jayve: stop it!!!

Marlos❤descendants Part 1Where stories live. Discover now