First impressions

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Spencer let himself in,

and Carly watched as he carried a huge box - his Spencer-like face completly hidden - into their apartment. "This is the best thing ever." he mumbled.

"Carly, home, " he was nearly breathless as he said it. Carly heard him as she happened to be in the living room. She was doing some research on the inter-web with a glass of Chocalate smoothie as company. "Yes!" Spencer exclaimed, well sort of, with the breath he had left. He lowered the box and wiped the sweat from his face. "Let's, get this," he paused before continuing "Get this bad boy set up." He shook his hair out, and propped himself up with a hand on the arm of the sofa, gasping for air.

"Did you take the stairs with that?" Carly shut her laptop looking at her brother in horror.
"Escalator's... not fixed."
'Elavator' she thought wide-eyed. He was too exhausted to even think straight.

"Yeah, Lubert said... " he began. Carly picked up where he trailed off at, by ranting about everyones' least favorite person.
"Lubert is so many things, horrible things." she said, her heart rate increasing.

"The elavators been broken for more than a week, and he won't call a person." She channeled her frustration by making Spencer a glass of water.
"I would prefer that smoothie." he said, but Carly didn't hear him.

"Lubert is a horrible man." she said absently, handing her brother the cup of water that was filled to its' brim. He nodded in agreement after downing the whole glass. "How about some Chocalate smoothie." he suggested jangling the glass near her hand.

"And you, why would you carry this by yourself up five flights of stairs? You know you have about as much muscle mass as a -" She rolled her eyes at her brother who flexed his arm, as if he had muscles to show off. "You're not muscular, and that's not flattering." she said, until she had to start laughing at his grand gesturing of his unsculpted arm muscles.

"So, what you get?"

Spencer smiled and extended his arm, gesturing to the box and with great emphasis he said "This..." but couldn't finish. He still needed to catch his breath.

"Oh," Carly said "You take a seat and get some air in you, pronto," He did as she said, while she knelt down in front of the box looking for the white paper that would tell her what Spencer was crazy enough to carry up five flights.

"You can't afford this." she said, shocked. It was the hottest gaming system on the market. Hottest meant priciest she thought.
"Is this our grocery money, water bill?"
"No need for worry midgie." he said. He was being very nonchalant. Carly prodded on.
"Where did you get money for this Spencer - You're on an artist budget."
"Artist can't afford these things!" What would they be going without next month. Anything but the water, Carly thought.

"I can afford things like that, since Freddies mom paid me to use my Artistic talents for her. Seven hundred dollars." he said. "Four days. Of arting up her space." Carly looked confused but relieved that they wouldn't be boiling rain water for showers and meals.

"Wait. Doesn't Freds mom not like your art?"
"Only the cool stuff. I painted her some pictures - let's stop chitting and play this game." he said, some of his energy back.

"I'm taping another webisode of ICarly when Sam and Freddie get here, so maybe later. Hey, we can all play."
"Great idea Midgie." Spencer said already working at the tape on the box.

Carly grinned. "Unlock the door when they knock, okay? I'm going upstairs to get ready. And try not being so tall Mister Everest."

"No thanks." Spencer yelled after her as she climbed the stairs. He set up everything and started the game. He was greeted by electric guitar chords and consistent drumming. His hand shot up, covering his mouth; he bit his nails anxiously. All those days painting for Ms. Benson had become a harmless memory. It was as if he had been there for one absurdly long commercial break where he wasn't dying a little more inside with each new dull stroke. Now, the whole living room was filled with music; he had time to enjoy playing through the song selections while soaking in the thrill of its' newness.

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