Fire & Desire

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Drake: You meet a thousand people, then you meet this one person and your life is changed forever. I was 19  years old when I met Robyn Fenty it was back in  2005 when she was shooting a music video at a restaurant called Avacado in Toronto, the song was "Pon de Replay." I was introduced to her as the kid who played background music at the restaurant while people ate their dinner. It's hard to believe that eleven years later the two of us would come together  for a song called "Work." She's someone, she's someone I've been in love with since I was 22 years old. She's one of my... she's one of my best friends in the world.

It wasn't until 2009 where we met again at a birthday party. We went out at first date together at the bowling alley. She brought her crew and I brought mine. 

After the song got leaked I was afraid she would take it as me being disrespectful towards her. I feel like when people write about it or take a exert from me describing it, its going to sound negative, and in no way, shape, or form was it negative. It was like..... I'm in one of the greatest places in my life, I'm on top of the world and I'm extremely confident. Its very rare that anyone, let alone a woman that I like can make me feel nervous, make me feel small. She is such an overwhelming being, incredible person and such a talented person and someone who I still was like "I cant believe I'm here with talking to this person." She just gave me that feeling when I was 17 years old trying to score a date with a girl and she never wanted to go with me and that's how she made me feel. It just put me back when I was in Toronto feeling like Aubrey Graham not Drake.   

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