Your Lieing (continued...)

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I wake up in my bed wearing my soft purple dress... wait a minute I sat up in bed. I flip off my blankets and I see that I am wearing my purple dress. I quickly get up and pour of bed. Boy did I have a bad dream. I quickly run into my brothers room. Bad choice my side felt like I was injured. I look at my side and I had a burnt spot on my side. "Ash! Wake up." I say walking to him and shaking him.

"Wha-oww oww owww" He screams in pain as he sits up. I ran the rest of the way. I lift up his shirt and he has burn marks.

"Tell me what happened yesterday. And I want answers now." I say mad as hell.

"I don't remember. The only thing I remember is a stupid dream!" He said getting mad for accusing him.

"Yah and what was your dream?" I ask him because if it was the same as mine then it was no dream.

"Mom and dad dropped us off and left to get stuff and then your friend and my friend came and told us that we were speci-" He says as I cut him off.

"That wasn't a dream because otherwise I dreamt the same dream. So tell me if that was all real or not!" I said getting super mad.

"Yes it was real all of this is real. I tried to keep you out of it but I now know I can't. Pack your things we have to go." He says getting up.

"Why should I leave.Your not even my real brother are you? Your probably a fake!" I say just tempting him just to see what he would say.

"Hmm no I'm not I am your garda angle! Of coarse I'm your brother at least for what I know of. I mean we look the same but mom and dad arn't elementars like us so I don't know!" He says really mad at me. "Now pack your stuff we are leaving in a few hours. I will say we are leaving on a camping trip so they will know we are gone. But won't suspect us of running away." He says already packing.

How can I be a superhuman I am just a normal girl. I think this while walking to my room. I pack my self some clothes and my jewelery and some books. When I finished I walked back to Ash's room and his luggage was on his bed but he was nowhere to be found. "You know you don't have to tell them we are leaving they won't know." I say when he comes in.

"You know I thought about that while I was writing the note so I just through it away and came back here to come and grab you. Now let's go." He says grabbing his luggage of clothes and a empty luggage from his closet.

"What's that for?" I ask him.

"For food silly we are going to need food for our trip." He says silently as we walked down the stairs. When I checked the time on my phone my brother snatched it from me. "It's so the th can't track you and fined you. We are not safe here anymore and neither are mom and dad." He days throwing away my phone.

"What about you? Can't they track your phone or are you special" I say proud of myself.

"We need my phone to call the number then we are tosing it." He says plainly as he grabs some snacks.

A minute later he calls a number and we walk outside. When we did he said "Were ready. Pick us up quickly." When he said that he went to the tree that was struck by lightning and grabbed out two pistols and two shotguns from underneath the tree roots.

Ten minutes later a car came. It was a yellow Lamborghini and I ran up to it. All I could do is drool over it. "Stop drooling all over my car and get in!" Said Bron.

"I call front!" I said and got into the front seat.

"Hey babe's how's it going!" Bron says and starts to drive. When I didn't answer he just turned on the music. When he turned it on a lady Gaga song came on. It took me a minute to figure what it was but then it came to me telephone. When the song finished I fell asleep.

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