Darkness is showing

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Everything was planned already. The man was sitting down at his working table, and was having a rest after long day. He was lucky. His capacity to give again health to the dying bodies, besides his scientist's career, had allowed him to have a stable, abundant life. People greeted him deeply on streets, and he was respected by all. The city gave him all that it needed for his researches, he had an accomodation just for himself, he had far enough food for one person, he had everything to have a successful life in this small village of Japan of the XIXth century.

Some people considered him as a God. This life and death's master capacity provoked the admiration of the monks of the country as well as the suspicion of the doctors. The man was definitely mocking them, not even minding their presence. Everything was already planned since centuries, and he was finally going to be able to execute his plans. He was immortal. His creations called him Sensei, " the master "; he gave them an eternal, experimental life but not the least powerful.

His "children". The vampire servants who carried, instead of him, the burden of the seven deadly sins for which he had to pay. Only seven ones could possibly measure to the power of their creator. But the biggest pride of this him was his eighth and ultimate creation. Tsubaki or "Who-is-coming". The vampire of melancholy. During all these years, his existence was hidden from the eyes of his seven brothers not to carry more doubts, so that the decisions could show up from themselves without any external intervention to distort their opinions.

What took place shortly after.

"I am going to kill him"

the slow and deep voice of Servamp of sloth resounded then. Three agreed with him; their master had become too powerful to be able to go on normally among the human beings. Just as them, his place was among the immortal monsters. Lust, envy and pride, which acquiesced grimly, were favourable to this decision.

Greed and wrath were quiet.

Across this weighing silence, a chair fell and it's rigid wood hit the floor in a muffled noise while one of the brothers sitting at assembly got up slowly, an unhealthy smile slowly setting up on the face. He laughed, ironic.

"you won't kill anyone else, elder brother." he articulated, by his trembling voice fitted by anger. "if you had some bit more of sympathy in your such lazy mind, you would remember that this man, besides being the one who created us, is just like a father for us. " He paused, fixing his adversary straight in the eyes. "Eh, you!! Listen to me and give up yawning !!"

Snow Lily calmly tried to interfere before the situation gets worse

"Our master became too powerful, he cannot go on that...."

"NO!!!! "The vampire of greed interrupted him by shaking the head and violently hit one of the corners of the table by his right fist, without looking even at his interlocutors nor even listening to them. " Lie, nonsense, prodigious treason!! Is it just like that way you act?? Without thinking?? Without even thinking of what He could feel towards us?? What he could think of our image, our actions? yes, yes big brother. You are powerful, you are our elder and it is you who make decisions. However, I had a little sympathy towards you before this meeting. Why did you have to bring me there? Why not leaving me at the foot of this statue instead? Did you really want me to hear all this? Why gathering us all if decision was straightaway already made? You were hidde. in the shadows during all these years, elder brother, and you reappear simply to announce us this? You're so cruel, big brother. You all guys disgust me so much that this makes me laugh. Actually no, in the contrary, this does not make me laugh at all!!"

He ceased speaking and grinned. His voice was childish but serious, almost creaking out from a powerful and uncontrollable anger. He approached his elder and tried to punch him in the face. The cat dodged without any difficulty.

Greed against sloth.

The fifth of the siblings, Lawless the one and only and the elder, Sleepy Ash of sloth in one-to-one debate, while opinions diverged.

A red light of madness set up little by little inside the eyes of the fifth, who was not any afraid to use violence to protect those he protected. And his elder brother blinked by widening eyes, seeming not to process the sudden violent reaction of his younger sibling. Greed tapped the floor by his foot and showed his fangs. His best friend drew him behind, making him lose grip on his elder brother's collar.

Decided and sure of the choice he made, Sloth flew and disappeared in shadow till the outside of the room, what marked the term of this meeting.

By going out, each seemed in peace with themselves. Except the fifth, who swore to never forget. He truely made it. His elder brother destroyed his life. Once again. Destroyed the ones he cherished. And nobody could prevent his tears from running anymore, while the colossal black lion was getting to his work. He crossed the city without fright; the blind human beings only were concerned about their poor life and did not really notice what's around them. Not even the huge lion going straight to his goal.

The giant lion was expected to come. The man was ready. His white hair taking place around his face, he stood up from his desk in a peaceful way. Neither of them was surprised, waiting for the other one to move first. The kimono was flying in the evening breeze as the lion showed his claws. Sensei, threatically, rose his look to stuck his eyes into the Lion's red ones. He didn't seem afraid one bit.

"So, it is how it ends."

He had a clear laugh. "It was fun." He continued. The lion didn't really want to listen to him and more like was willing to finish the task quickly.

"Then, take care of--"

His sentence was cut as long as the claws deeply pierced his skin at this moment. ..Only his skin.

Who would make those last words coming up again? Maybe the one involved, but forgotten for too long.

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