Chapter 1

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       I wake up while turning off my damn alarm clock that yells, interrupting my sweet dreams. I walk lazily to the toilet, brushing my teeth and a few regular morning routine. I walk out from the toilet while shivering as the water today is very cold. I put on a grey hoodie, black sweatpants and my beanie. I braid my hair and spray some perfume, not too much.
    I walk downstairs as I see my mom serving breakfast on the table.
"Good morning, Hailee!" My mom greets me while pecking my cheek. How lucky I am to have her in my life..
     Today is my college registration day so I am a little nervous and excited to feel how is it to be a college student.
      I choke on my pancakes and someone grab my neck and I feel lots of peck kisses on my hair. It's my brother, Harrison. He can be a lovely brother and a lunatic sometimes. My mother laughs a little but then she asks where my sister, Hazel is. I just shrug my shoulder and my brother tells us that she is still sleeping.
      My mother runs upstairs to wake that lazy ass up.
"So, are you excited?" Harry asks while grabbing a strawberry from my plate.
"I think so but I'm also kinda scared cause you know, sometimes college can be a nightmare."

"Well, I think a supergirl has no fear to overcome all scary things that scare teenagers the most, right supergirl?"
I giggle and continue eating my breakfast.

*in the car*

"It's late, all of this because of you, Hazel!"
Hazel just keep combing her long brunette hair without looking at my mom. It's kinda rude but for her it's common.
"Mom, it's okay.. There is nothing to worry about." I massage her shoulders while glancing at my father who is driving.
When we get there, I see a lot of people rushing to the main entrance of the college. Los Angeles South West College, here I come. My mom, dad and Harry help me carry my bags since I brought four bags while my sissy Hazel, helps by carrying my files.
I am too busy looking around till I doesn't even see where I'm going and end up I bump into a girl.
"I am so sorry, I didn't notice you." The girl says while picking up her books and mine. She looks about my age.
"It's okay. My fault too. By the way, what is your name?"
"Cassandra, and you must be Hailee." She says with a smile.
"How do you know me?" I'm a little shock.
"Well, I pick your book and I see Hailee Rose Henry. That's a beautiful name."
"Thanks, yours as well."
Our conversation being interrupt when my parents cut in.
"Where have you been? We've been looking for you. Oh, who is this nice girl?" My mom asks while shaking her hand.
"Hello, Mr and Mrs Henry. I am Cassandra Beverly. Nice to meet you. Do you guys need help to find Hailee's room?"
My mom nods and we start walking while joking around. This is not bad at all. I have a new friend and she is super nice.
"What's your room number?" Cassandra asks. I show her my student card and we find out we are in the same room.
"Oh, by the way, I heard the boys dorm have technical problems so all girls' room are including new boys and our room is not an exception." Cassandra says while opening our door knob.
My parents just nod and they look completely cool with it. But, I am not cool with it. What if the boys do something to us? I keep away my negative thoughts and follow Cassandra into our room. The room is perfect. The double decker bed, four closets, study tables, and a mirror next to the window.
"Well, Cassandra, looks like we are going to stay here for 3 years."
"Call me Cassie." She smiles while setting her bed. She chooses the lower bed and that means I am stuck with the upper bed.
Me and my family have a few words before they lead out from the campus. The also tell me to call them every night and be careful with the 'boys'.
Before I forget, I take out my new phone that my dad just bought a few days ago and facetiming my friends from afar.
"Hello Ladies!" I wave as their face show up.
"Hey girl, so how is it? Any cute boys?" My friend, Melanie asks.
I shake my head and I can see the dissapointment in their eyes. They are my friends since I'm still in diapers. They are Melanie, Nicole, Cynthia and the one that I don't like the most but still friends is Laura.
She is a playgirl. Once, she dated my brother and ended up having sex with my neighbour.
"Well, this is my new roommate, Cassandra!"
Cassie waves at the camera and I can hear them asking questions also complimenting about her style and look.
I can tell Cassie is very casual person but still mesmerizing. Her shoulder-length black hair, blue eyes, pink lips and those casual outfits fit her very well.
After finish facetiming my friends, we feel bored so we set the 'boys' bed too. We take out our things and set them up. I also paste Justin Bieber's poster and my family's picture on the table.
"Beliebers, ha?" Cassie teases.
Then, the door is creaking open. Two boys walk in with their luggages, giving us awkward smiles.
"Sorry, I think we're in the wrong room." The boy with slight of blonde on his hair and a little taller speaks.
"No,no. This year, the administration is mixing boys with girls. Come in. We set your bed already. What are your names?"
The one who just talk introduces himself and his sibling.
" I am Grayson. This is Ethan. He is not in a good mood today. Sorry bout that!"
We shake hands. Cassie is still talking to Grayson but my eyes still stuck on Ethan.
Black hair with slight of blue colour, hazel eyes, perfect jawline and that body is to die for. I think I like him.

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