Finding My Mate [15]

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I know it's been absolute ages, and I kind of forgot where I was going with this story but I'm back (for now) and here's a chapter for you guys. I am literally overwhelmed with the amount of reads, last time I'd hit the 3,000 reads mark and now I'm at 9,000 with over 150 votes! Thank you SO much, it really means a lot to me. I don't know if I will continue this story but I will try for sure and hopefully I'll continue, I think I'll re-write it a little because I genuinely forgot where I was going with this story. Anyways, here you go and please vote, comment and whatever it's really nice to see that you like my story!

Chloe's mum called to say that she was going to be taking care of Lola while I got all my studies and everything sorted out and I was really grateful but I would miss having her around. I'd given a bag filled with all of the important things that Lola would need over the next few weeks and I promised her I'd try to visit her as much as I could. 

"Are you sure that your mum's okay with this whole thing?" I asked Chloe at school the next day and she nodded. "Yeah, she was really excited to take care of another child don't worry seriously."

"Tell her I'm really grateful, I mean, I have loads  to do there are so many tests coming up and I need to study." I said in one long breath. We turned round the corner of the hallway and I spotted Noah, his eyes met mine and we stared at each other for a long time before he walked off. Was he ignoring me? He didn't even give me a smile or anything, when he came to my house did that actually happen or was it just part of my imagination. Hurt and confused I walked off in the opposite direction, dragging Chloe along with me. 

"Woah..." Chloe said interrupting my thoughts. 

"What?" I turned to her a little bit too harshly. 

"Sorry, Mrs Crabby," She paused her eyes flickering over to the direction where Noah last was. "Didn't you just have a pretty intense moment with Noah over there? What's going on did something happen, spill!" She gushed a little too excitedly. 

"Nothing happened, I don't know what your talking about." I lied but she gave me a disbelieving glance before dropping the subject. 

"Did you hear that Sierra and Jeremy got together?" Chloe asked. "Yeah, everyone thinks that its a ploy to make Noah jealous."

"Yeah, I think he should just go out with her already," I said trying to steady my voice. "I mean if a girls trying that hard for a boy to notice her then he should at least give her a try." I heard a low rumbling growl come sound into my ears. 

"Hey," Blake said, slinging his arm over my shoulder. "How've you been?"

"Good," I nodded, smiling at him. Me and Blake had been spending more time together at school and we'd partnered for a lot of the classes when Chloe wasn't around. "Do you want to join me for lunch, the other guys are out or at some basketball tournament or something so I'll be alone, we could talk about the assignment we had in Art." He offered. 

"Yeah, I'm at a Club anyways so you'd be alone as well." Chloe interjected. 

"Well then yes, okay I'll see you at Lunch." I smiled at him, ignoring the low grumbling sound again and smirking as I walked to my next class.


My lunch tray fell onto the table with a clatter and Blake moved up so I could sit next to him. He looked a little uneasy compared to this morning, I tried to ignore it and dug into my food.

I looked up to see that Blake still hadn't touched his food, his eyes were just fixed on me. 

"What?" I asked at him and he blinked, the blank expression on his face replaced with a small smile.

"Nothing, sorry, I just spaced out a little there." He smiled before stabbing his fork into his pasta. "So are you and Noah-"

"What? Who told you, I mean-" I sputtered.

"Relax, I am one of them you know, we do have a mind link and you can't help but here... things." My cheeks heated up as I tried to avert my eyes to the floor.

"It's great you've found your mate and other werewolves. Some werewolves never find their mate, or find their mate when they're way older - It happened to my aunt." Blake rambled.

"Have you found your mate?" I asked.

"No, not yet. The thing is with mates, you can't choose so you could end up with someone really horrible, like Sierra and be stuck with her forever, although..." He paused, scratching his chin with feigned thought. "...if I were mates with Sierra I would probably love her to much to see past her ways."

We both laughed.

Yeah, as if that was going to happen.

"Ready to go?" I asked and Blake glanced at my almost clean plate. The lunches at school were horrible but I'd been really hungry through the whole of lessons.

"Yeah, sure," Blake said, giving me a half-smile as we put our trays down and left the lunch hall and into the school hallways. We passed Marcus and his new girlfriend as they swapped saliva and I winced, looking away with disgust. I felt really badly for Chloe, she and Marcus had been together for a long time and he moved on from her just like that. Even if they weren't together, it must be really hard for her to see them together, all the time. Marcus caught my eye and pulled away from his new girlfriend, leading her away from me and Blake.

I kept walking, feeling Blake distantly by my side, he'd been really quiet this lunch, I wondered what was up with him. Maybe it was something personal, it was probably better if I didn't ask.

I felt a sharp elbow hit my arm. "Ouch!"

"Sorry, didn't see you there." I turned around to see Sierra's face pulled into a smirk, her little crew of followers teetering behind her, giving me similar stares. They were all dressed in the same color, a bright neon pink which was almost blinding, I narrowed my eyes.

"Of course you didn't," I snorted, Sierra opened her mouth to say something but I interjected for her. "I don't really have the time right now to argue with you or even get angry at you so..." I let my voice trailing off, feeling Blake's shoulder brush with mine in a slightly defensive way.

"You don't just walk away from me." Sierra's tone was livid as she dug her hand into my arm, resulting in me releasing a yelp of pain, I shoved her off as quickly as I could, brushing my fingers against the place where she'd grabbed me. She leaned in close, so no one else could hear. "I don't know what's gotten into Noah's head which makes him think you're his mate, but he's mine and always will be, so back," She pushed me, "off!" She pulled me in close again. "He's my mate, he even told me so and I won't let a little slut like you get in the way of us."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, spotting Noah in the crowd, he looked livid. I looked at him briefly before walking away, none of us would be able to talk normally with a crowd that big watching us, we'd need to his pack alone and sort out everything that was going on, I couldn't keep running into Sierra like this.

I was going to have to attend my first pack meeting.

Okay, I know, I know it's really not very good but it will take some time for me to get back on track with this story so I guess this is all it is for now. I didn't like the chapter but I promise the next one should be better! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2013 ⏰

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