Keith goes to HOT TOPIC

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"Lance, this is a terrible idea."

"C'mon Keith! We got to blend in with the this generation. Plus, if we don't people like Anissa are going to suspect us."

"For once, you're making sense."

"I'm gonna ignore that pretend you complimented me on how smart I am."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

  The two teenage boys had left Pizzahut in a hurry, thanked Anissa and Julieta and left towards a building that said:


    Now Lance was dragging Keith through the mall, Lance ignoring the weird looks sent their way, while Keith was very much aware of them.  

Lance suggested that they separate to cover more ground, even though Keith knew it was just so he "couldn't stop Lance from picking up the ladies" quote- unquote. 

  Now Keith was wondering everywhere, trying to find something to his liking and something that was cheap. So far he had gone inside places that ad nice clothing, but was way to far out of his price range. Others had cheap clothing, yet they looked like the second you put them on they would disintegrate. Now he was standing in front of an interesting looking store, the sign standing out to him, the inside of the store looking different from the others:


  "Hot topic... huh. Okay. 10th times the charm I guess." He murmured to himself before he walked in the store. 

  the second he was there, he almost felt as if he was home. As he looked around, he found himself liking every item the store had to offer. He started to look around for something cheap, when he saw a FOR SALE sign in the middle of the store. He immediately went there. He marveled everything, from the weird looking bobble-heads, to the finger-less gloves that were similar to his own.

  Yeah, he was in there a while. He started looking for a jacket. He knew his red jacket was a bit too futuristic for this time, so he decided to look for something different, like black or gray. Suddenly he found a nice black jacket that wasn't flashy, but had nice deep pockets, but the inside was lined with a light grey hoodie. It was perfect, though it was similar to Lance's almost. Keith figured he would keep the jacket, along with the shirt, pants and gloves he had on. He checked the price tag. $10 dollars. 

  He shrugged and decided to hold on to the jacket, in case he came across something else that was cheaper. I could steal it... He thought, but then decided against it. The last thing he needed was to get caught and put in a stupid fucking mall prison. He looked at the tag. It would so easy. Al he had to do was remove the tag. Wait. He saw beige clip thing attached to the jacket's inside. I would have to remove that somehow. Keith shrugged and decided he could try and earn some money.

   He put the jacket back, then walked out of the store. He was edetermined to try to find a way to make money. As he was waling around he saw Lance. \

In the water fountain. 

His shoes and socks off with his pants rolled up.

Pant pockets drooping, overweight.

Digging for change. 

  Keith face-palmed and walked over to Lance, who was currently busying his hands in the water. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" he hissed at Lance. Lance looked up and grabbed Keith by the biceps, the water from his hands seeping into Keith's red sleeves, creating a dark stain. "Keith! We can get money from the fountain! Trust me, Pidge and I did this when we went to the Space Mall and we were able to buy that console and we got the cow free with our purchase!"

  Keith rolled his eyes. "Fine. Can you at least get about 20 dollars worth of change for me? There's a jacket in there I want to buy." Keith pointed to Hot Topic. Lance raised his eyebrows. 

"You mean that place where all the emo people shop for chokers and eyeliners and shit?"

  Keith furrowed his eyebrows and restrained himself from not giving Lance a straight up bitch-slap. "It doesn't even have eyeliner in that store. What are you talking about?"

 Lance shrugs and sneers at Keith. "Oh, just stating the fact that you are, for sure, emo."

"I'm not emo!" Keith exclaims, throwing his hands up slightly. "Suuurrree." Lance says, narrowing his eyes. Keith returns the favor with a glare and a scowl, making Lance cower slightly. "Okay, okay Mullet-Man. You're 'not' emo." Keith backs off slightly. 

  Lance starts counting his coins. "16, 17, 18, 19.... and 20! Here you are Mister. Mullet. 20 dollars in change!" Lance gives two handfuls of coins to Keith and gives him a playful scold. "Now spend it wisely."

 Keith rolled his eyes, beyond irritated with lance and went back, his pockets jumping up and down due to the amount of change Keith is carrying.

  He goes back into the store and grabs the jacket from where he left it. He then goes to the register and puts the jacket down, counting out 11 dollars in quarters. "Here", he says, sliding it all over. "And you can, uh.. keep the change." The cashier nods and takes off the clip. Keith grabs the bag then goes into a corner. He takes off his red jacket and puts on the black one instead. 

"Well, looks like I found my go to store from now on."

JK, no way am I leaving you all hanging like that. BONUS TIME!!!!!!


  "Lance? Ugh, Lance. Really?" Keith says, crosses his arms and face-palming.

He was looking for Lance, only to find his in a super flashy shirt, with some neon green pants, shoes Michael Jackson would be jealous of, some dumb sunglasses, and a freaking bedazzled hat- a fedora no less. Despite Lance's awful fashion choices, he had a handful of girls surrounding him. But this was only because they thought he had money with all the expensive clothes he bought with the money he had taken from the fountain. 

"Oh, hey Keith! Like what you see?" Lance said, gesturing to himself.

  He had to say goodbye to the ladies because Keith had given him a hard slap upside the head, knocking off his fedora, said "You are the most moronic homosapien in the world," and dragged him by the shirt and led him out of the mall.

I think that was a pretty good ending.

Mendie out!

~ Mendie/Silent

Keith and Lance go to PIZZAHUTWhere stories live. Discover now