Episode 1! The Peacekeeper's Beginning!

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I woke up on the morning of Sato-san's death with a bitter chill in the air. I swore my windows were closed. The pale spring sunlight shone through my white satin curtains and I squinted my eyes. 

"Stephanie!" I hear my mother call from down the hall. Her footsteps got closer until I finally hear the door creak open. 

I let out a groan and force myself to sit up. Only when I looked at my mom did I see the sadness in her eyes. My neighboor and my best friend, Sato-san, had passed away, and Mom gently told me the news. "She died peacefully in her sleep, sweetie, the neighboorhood is talking about it," She gave me a sympathetic smile. "Anyway..." Mom sighed, trying to break the upsetting atmosphere that engulfed me. "I'm off to work and breakfast is on the table..." I was half expecting Mom to walk out of my room without hugging me, but she went to my bed and hugged me firmly. "She was your friend, honey...I'm so sorry." She kissed my forehead and left for work. 

It was a cold and lonely morning. I got out of bed and found it hard to function. I wish I could have seen here one last time, but ever since she fell down that day so many weeks ago, she's been stuck in her bed and her family didn't let me visit...I understand though, and I'm not mad at them at all. 

I'm Stephanie Newman. I'm 16 years old and I live in Japan with my mom and dad. Mom's the only one I see frequently. Dad, being the Japanese parent, is always at work. My mom's American. I look more American than Japanese...

As I finish eating my breakfast, I go to the sink to clean up...but when I look out the small window, I instantly stare at Sato-san's house. There were many people there now, and I felt horrible. Can't I at least be invited to her funeral? Or has she forgotten me? Sato-san was a very elderly woman and she had many health troubles...but now I had no real clousure. She was like the grandmother I never had. 

I had to remind myself that I had a school club day today and I couldn't afford to be late again. I really don't like my school. Sure, the school's in Japan are all high class, even if it doesn't cost nearly as much as a University's tuition, and Japan always has such high standards...it's just that my school doesn't like me...litterally. It's not just the students or the teachers, the actual building is out to make sure I trip and fall everyday. I hate being so clumsy. 

"I hate this," I grumble as I change into my uniform back in my room upstairs. If I was gonna get through today, I was going to have to get Sato-san out of my mind for now...How could I ever walk past her house now? The thought made my spine tingle with uneasiness. I sit down and move sluggishly as I bnrush my long light brown hair. I was so unlike the other girls in school...no wonder I had no friends. If I could get into a better school, I'd be much happier...But we didn't have the money. I think back to all the times Sato-san gave me advice about school and the like...now it feels as if I had failed her. 

"Aaaaah!" I exclaim. I hit myself in the head with the brush. I can't think that way! Sato-san would have wanted me to get into Stay Side Academy: the school for rich people and geniuses. But then again, Sato-san told me that her grandson tried getting in that shcool, and they turned him down. I never found out why...

When I walk outside with my school bag in hand, I try so hard to walk past Sato-san's house without getting noticed by her family members...there were just so many people there, especially men in black suits, talking to eachother with quiet voices. As I lock up my house, I take a deep breath and begin the walk to the bus station. Don't look, I tell myself. Don't look or you'll start crying...Maybe when I get back home, I can cry about it...Maybe. 


I stop cold, my heart pounding. Were one of those men calling out to me? I turn and see a middle aged man with black hair and huge glasses come over to me on the side walk. "Are you Stepanie Newman?" He asks. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2014 ⏰

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