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AN: So, it's been a year since I joined Wattpad so here's an anniversary fic! Hope everyone loves it!


Adam hated his father.

He hated all father's, if he was going to be honest.

His father had been kind, once. He would let Adam ride on his back. He would play with him in the large gardens, under the roses his mother had planted. He would read books to Adam. His mother had laughed and loved, kissing both his father and himself with bright red lips and rosy cheeks.

When the world had color to it. Before Mamon took ill. Before Papa took him away from her.

Before he had to be strong, like his father.

Before being strong meant casting away those beneath him.

One night Adam had finally decided to take a bride. It seemed simple enough, gathering the beautiful daughters of the lord's around his castle and marry one of them. The most beautiful women in their corner of France, dressed up like dolls and painted to match.

Yet as Madame de Garderobe sang, as the song grew so loud his ears were ringing, he could barely tell them apart.

Even if the love of his life existed, she was not in this place.

Then the Enchantress came.

Then he changed.

His inner hatred and turmoil and guilt became his outer shell. Twisted horns burst out of his head, curling like that of a goats. He looked like a Beast.

The Enchantress had changed everyone in the palace as well, he would later learn. The people who had family outside the castle, family and loved ones, were wiped from their minds like a dream. He had been only thinking of his own appearance, what he was without his good looks and all of his brides had left.

The Enchantress had told him the way to break this curse. Get someone to love him? If she had waited five more minutes, he would've found a bride who would do so gladly! But to love them back? That was impossible. Love like that wasn't real. It was nothing but one of the stories his mamon had told him to make him sleep, and the boring books from the library! Adam never wanted love like that. His parents had made do, as did their parents before and all those in the royal line.

The first day of the Curse, he had barely noticed all the other people had changed too. He had heard Mrs Potts crying, screaming in sorrow with Chip at losing Mr Potts to the Enchantress' Curse. He heard echoes of Maestro Cadenza and Madame de Garderobe calling out for one another. He heard Plumette scream in pain, and smelt smoke, then endless apologies echoing for hours.

He was determined not to let the Enchantress beat him. He was a prince, he couldn't lose to a devilishly crafted spell.

His first try to break the Curse went horrible. He thought, foolishly, that if there was no rose, then no petals would fall and he'd have all the time he wanted. He had stomped on the thing, breaking off a part of the stem and tossing the rose aside.

That was when everyone learned the more the rose died, the less humanity there was in the house. Breaking off the stem, it had turned the half changed maids and servants into their full utensil selves. No voice to scream with, no eyes to implore with, no face to read. They were toys that could dance, not much more. The rest of the people, who had been in the palace since Adam's birth, complained that they felt themselves being pulled toward the knick-knack state. It was horrifying.

The castle itself paid for the price. Parts of the walls of his home broke away, as if becoming ancient in a matter of moments. Adam hadn't cared for it, only the pain he had caused those who had been true friends to him when he was a boy.

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