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I awoke to Uruahihara next to me. His hair was in his face but his arms were wrapped around me, holding me close. He smelt sweet like candy. I watched him as he slept. His face contorted and then he smiled and blushed.

"Urushihara, hey. What happened?" I looked at his bare chest and saw his shirt was on me. That made realize very quickly he somehow and for some reason changed me.

"Hmm?" Urushihara stirred. His eyes opened and he smiled. "You talk in your sleep. You've admired me that long haven't you?" He asked.

"Hey, what happened?!" I could hear the worry in my voice come out as my stomach growled.

"Why don't we talk it over while you cook?" He suggested. I sat up, back sore, and I winced a bit. I realized that I actually hadn't eaten since I had come from Ente Isla. I opened the fridge and pulled some eggs from the fridge and threw them into a fry pan. I fried them up, put them on a couple of plates and sat at the table with Urushihara.

"So what happened?" I asked as I shook some salt on to my eggs, waiting for them to cool slightly.

"I came down to tell you Maou and Ashiya had okayed me staying here, you came to the door totally out of it with tears down your face and red swollen eyes. You turned and your back was all bloody. I got your shirt off and got you to the bathroom, washed your back off, and put some anti-bacterial on your back and bandaged your back up. I put my shirt on you cause I didn't know where your clothes were. I carried you back to a bed, you didn't want me to go so I curled up with you and we fell asleep and you talked in your sleep. That's about it." I nodded as I chewed, piecing things together.

"Do you feel like sharing what I talked about?" I asked.

Urushihara blushed, "No thanks. But it's my turn to ask. What did they do to you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Let me rephrase. How did you fall?"

I looked down at my hands which were starting to shake, tears pricking at my eyes. "Can we finish eating first please?" I asked.


We ate in silence, I looked up from time to time to see Urushihara watching me, and each time I blushed even more. I finished and took my plate to the sink. I began washing it when Urushihara took the plate and the sponge from my hands.

"Let me. It's the one thing I can do since you're the one taking me in." I stepped away and decided to start taking care of my clothes that I had bought. I hung them up and put them in my closet when Urushihara knocked on my frame.

"Let me just finish this. Please. This is just a hard subject for me to talk about."

"Take your time." He whispered.

Finally I sat down on the bed and he sat next to me. I laid back, closing my eyes so I didn't have to look at him as I told him my horror story. "When I was about 10, my family wanted to see how far they could push my abilities, cause small outbursts on the islands, making things harder for me. They told them that I was destroying things. I got a warning cause they didn't have full proof. Then things changed about 6 or 7 years later. I would sneak off when I heard the wonderful Lucifer left. I wanted to get to know you. Why you left. To see if you could help me. But I saw you. And I knew you were too good for me. Too good for me to approach. Years and years I followed you. I watched your battle tactics. I remember approaching you and asking you for help. You looked at me and simply said to join your forces or get out of your way. But little did you know I could cause the destruction of your whole army if I wanted.

"My parents gave me my name cause they knew I had the power to destruct. They saw me following you and reported me. So they plucked every feather. One by one. Wing by wing. Until finally they turned black. They kicked me out and at that point you had left. At that point I had fallen in love with you and you never knew." I said finally opening my eyes to look at him. I couldn't tell what his face held more of. Anger, hurt or sadness. But most of all he looked relieved.

"Lillith. I'm so sorry for what they did to you. I'm so sorry for what I did to you. I wish I could help you."

"Lucifer, you already are. You are occupying space here with me. I am no longer lonely."  He blushed deeply.



"How would you feel about going on a date with me?"

"I would love to." I said smiling.

"Meet me outside at around 6 tonight then. And pull your hair back for me. I want to see your beautiful angelic face." He said smiling. It made me blush madly.


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