chapter 1: Surprise?

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****** This Is one of my first ff so bear with me.

Sky RoseMarie Johnson. Normal girl with a normal life. Hahaha I wish!

Hi, my name is Sky. I am 15 and a sophomore at Ridge Well High. I currently have a 4.0 Average. At school I am known as the smartest girl in school but what may surprise you is I'm also the most popular. My mom is white and my dad is black and Mexican. Because of this I have a light shade of skin that I believe suits me well. I honestly don't think I am beautiful but everyone else seems to. (Picture of Sky on the side)

I am what you call socially awkward. I know your probably saying how can you be awkward when your basically queen of the school. Well it's possible. I am also pure. My parents would freak if I got a piercing let alone lost my virginity.

Right now I am walking home from school. Today was the last day before our 1 month release caused by school construction. I got board so I decided to listen to music on my iPod. I hit shuffle and of coarse my jam comes on. I love "Rock Me" by one direction. I'm not familiar with the band or even what they look like but hey, that doesn't mean I can't enjoy the song.

As I neared the door I noticed the garage window was open but figured my dad just never closed it after leaving. I dropped my stuff by the door and walked through the living room to the kitchen. I was still jamming out when my iPod died. I sat it down and looked in the fridge. I pulled the Fritto Chicken, it taste like Fritto BBQ chips, and popped them in the microwave. As I took them out I heard a crash come from the living room. I figured my Dog Danielle had knocked something over, that was until I heard voices.

I quickly grabbed the gun my dad kept in a drawer and loaded it. The only way out was to go through the living room to the front door or past it to the back. I decided to go through the back since it seemed safer.

I walked down the hall and peeked around the corner to see two black figures crouched around the bookshelf. The TV was sitting on the floor and numerous firms were either missing or damaged.

As I made my way past the door I tripped on a garbage filled with Lord knows what and squealed. They both turned to look at me and before I knew it a cloth was put over my mouth and everything went black. This would be a long 1 month break.


4 hours later

I started to come to but not with the exception of a major headache. I heard muffled voices but as minutes dragged on they became clearer.

"Hurry we have to get out of here and...Wait. I think she is waking up, quick use the cloth."

As much as I wanted to fight back I could barley feel body. Before long it went black again and the last thing I remember was a odd smell.

A smell I knew oh to well.

A smell that made fear come out like a bomb from within.


**** A/N

Okay guys so I hope you like. If I get good feedback I will update so comment and let me know what you think. Love you.

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