~|Chapter 2|~

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Okay first of I'm terribly sorry I haven't done a chapter on this story since the beginning of the year... any who I don't really have any excuses besides school, life, and art. So yeah let's get to it shall we? This is SO overdue. I'm just gonna put a language warning for the rest of this book, I like using some swears ever now and again and I'm sorry ahead of time I guess
(??? POV)
      Without their leader they are vulnerable, they need me, they just don't know it yet. I'll be the best thing that's ever happened to that place. The threat of imminent distraction and death looms ahead and they can't see it, but I can, and they'll be on their fucking knees begging for my help when I get to them, they are nothing without me.
(Lavender's POV)
      I wake up suddenly, who was that deep voice in my dream? I don't remember what he said, maybe I should tell somebody. No I won't, I don't really have anybody to tell anyway, if it happens again I might tell Inferno. I should visit again today.
I look out the window, it's still dark out. Ugh I'm awake now, so much for going back to sleep. I get up and throw on a jacket. I walk out and sit on the stairs outside my house that lead up to the door. It's so cold I can see my breath. I rub my cold hands together and stare up at the moon, it's pretty and full tonight.
(G-Sans POV)
The moon is pretty tonight. It's cold out but I don't feel it, after all I am a skeleton. I take a breath of my cigarette and look at the stars. Never in my life have I had time to look and relish the stars. I could never see them before, it's like they weren't there. I jump a little when Aqua puts her hand on my shoulder.
"It's about time to go to bed isn't it big guy?" She ask me with a smile. I turn to look over my shoulder at her. I smile back. I haven't really been able to sleep too well lately. I feel guilty leaving all my friends behind. I take her hand and kiss it. She smiles and we head back inside and cuddle to sleep on the couch.
(Lavender's POV)
I walk down to the hospital tent. It's still dark out so I used a bit of my red and yellow magic to light my way. Nobody's going to be there, it's like two in the morning. If anything Inferno will still be there, but he'll be asleep like any other normal person.
     I finally make my way over there by the light of my magic and dim the light as I step into the tent. I sit down next to Thomas' bed. Inferno is sleeping in the back and Thomas is still in his coma. I'm afraid if he doesn't wake up soon people will start to think he's dead and taking up space. I put my hand on his chest, he is still breathing slowly and his heart is beating. He's alive I just know it, he's strong, he can make it out of this. I lay down in the empty bed next to his and hold his limp hand. I started to cry but I didn't notice. It's not fair that life can just take away everything I've loved and worked hard to protect, I know I wasn't a good person and this is probably karma but it isn't funny anymore. I understand what I did was wrong and I'm making up for it universe can't you see that?! He's all I've ever had and I'll I'll ever need, you can't just take things like that away from people, it isn't fair.
     I try to calm myself down so my crying doesn't wake up the entire army. I hear Inferno stir in the back, but he falls back asleep. I hold Thomas' hand close to me. His hands were always cold so it wasn't like it was new to me. Why has he been out this long? It's been 4 days since he was knocked out by that shield back at the fight. Normally it would only take a few hours to a day to wake up after a blow like that. I hope there isn't something more serious going on with him. Maybe it's just the fact that he's a shape shifter so he takes longer to heal since he's made of different stuff then normal humans and monsters. I feel the wave of sleep wash over me and I let the sleep ocean take me for a while.
     "Hey Lavender! Lavender, it's me! I'm alright all be there soon I promise you, is never leave you, see you soon." Thomas' voice floods my mind and I suddenly wake up in a cold sweat and feel Inferno shaking my shoulder.
     "Time to wake up kiddo, you're gonna miss breakfast, today there's eggs!" Inferno says happily. I sit up still holding Thomas' hand and wipe my face. The sun rays beam through the crack between the tent folds that keep it closed. The bright sun hurts my eyes but my eyes adjust to the light. Was that really Thomas speaking to me? How is that even possible? I remember when I was with- I mean around G!Sans that him and Gaster could talk telepathically but I doubt it's like that.
     I eventually get up and head out of the tent to go get some breakfast.

Hi it's me again! So so so sorry I didn't update sooner... I've just kinda had a falling out of reading and writing as a whole and kinda forgot about everything along with school being crazy but now it's summer so that's good. I really did miss writing a lot and thanks to
27Starblaze27 for not only getting me to write this chapter but for also doing the line art for the new cover! So thank you so much to them they were the ones that really got me back into doing this, so thank you and I hope to see you guys again soon since I need to go to bed it's 10:14 and I need to get up tomorrow yay me.

This Damn War (Part 2 of The Only One A Gaster!Sans FanFiction)(discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now