Finally 16

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~Chapter 2~

*3 weeks later*

I'm 16 today. Which meant I could go and get piercings without the orphanages permission. Like I every cared anyways. They didn't really care about me. Since I was returned I've been rejected 7 times in total. Which meant 2 new cuts each time. I pulled up my skinny jeans cringing each time I went over the cuts and scars. I put a long-sleeve DC shirt. I went down to the lobby and signed myself. Finally. At least 3 hours. 3 hours to spend. Alone of course.

I walked quickly to the closest piercing parlour and walked in.

"Hello miss. How can I help you?" The woman behind the desk asked me.

"How much would it be for a nose pericing.. And.. A eyebrow pericing?" I said in response.

"Roughly $70." She said. "Do you want to get them done now?"

"Yes please!" I said. She directed me let to a chair and got my nose piercing stuff ready. On the count of three, "breath in" the piercings day said 'breath out'. She quickly said again after my first breath. I did what she asked and she pushed the needle through, with minimal pain. She then got everything ready for my eyebrow pericing. After that was done she gave me some dis-infective I clean the piercings for 6 weeks.

I paid her and went to the hair salon. I had 2 and a half hours left to kill, so why not? I walked in and looked at the extensions they had. They were turquoise and jet black. I held it up to my hair. I hated how I looked. I have blonde hair and sea blue eyes. I remembered how my parents looked before they left me. My dad had dark brown hair, with bright blue eyes. He had a perfect symmetrical face. My mom had the darkest black hair and dark brown eyes. She had flawless skin. I admired it. I admired her. Now? I hate them. I hate both of them.

I was 'jealous of my parents beauty'. I had gotten my dads eyes but nothing else from them. No love, no trust. Nothing.

When I was 7 my parents dropped me off here. The Mistress told me to go find a room that I liked, while my parents went to do the paperwork. I had no idea. I was seven for fucks sake. I was running through the house thinking of the best. Never would I have thought.. 'my' parents would leave me at this horrible place. I have never forgiven my parents for leaving me. I never will..

I shook the memory out of my head for now and realized that I started crying. I ran to the bathroom to collect myself and tried to calm myself down. When I did, I got the extensions that I wanted and left. I didn't bother going anywhere else, so I walked up the pathway and opened the door. I signed back in and went to my room, skipping supper and drifting off to sleep.


Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy! Please comment and follow for an update! Thanks so much! xoxo Wonter_Blossom1

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