this crap

4 0 0

Act 1

13 May 2017


Zebeedee: {yawn] I cant believe I stayed up till 3 am last night what was I thinking I have school even if it was a concert with her I better call Lucas and see if he did

Mom: {punches down door} Zee!! get up NOW! don't make me use ma chancla

Zebeedee:{scream}Ok! mum! not the chancla

Mom: well Hurry up and get washed up! u can change after breakfast u will be late.

Zebeedee: ok.. what did u make?

mom: u'll see.. *walks down.

Zebeedee:[sighs once again] ok..

Act 2

13 May 2017


Zebeedee: so what u make?

mom: burritos.

zee: ...Huh... alright what do u want to know?

Mom: what do u mean~

zee: u only make burritos if u want to know something...or if its an a special occasion but theres nothing today..

Mom: ...How was the concert...

zee: oh it was good just lucas couldnt make it so i went with kai instead..

Mom: Why didnt i know about this..-.-

Zee: u tend to overreact and Get mad pretty easily.. thats why

mom: I do not!

zee: yes u do!

mom: huh.... Well i know about everything i was on the phone with Tatiana Lucas mum but before u do anything like that make sure u tell me...

zee: huh ok...


zee: woah these are good! mom!

Mom: I'm glad you like it

Zebedee: I'm going to get changed..

(U go up and get changed then u hear ur mum talking to ppl after getting changed u go down and stare) What...are they doing here?

tiana(forgot name XD)- U finished yet?

Zebeedee: what's going on

Mom: I thought it would be nice for you to have someone to walk to school with

zee: ...huh.. ok. lets go..

[Zebeedee walks away on the phone]

mom: see ya!!

*all say bye and leave*

Act 3

14 May 2017


Zebeedee:[on the phone] My mum cant find out about the secret Darkco

darkco: but why darkco~Chan knows the secret so why can't your mum..?

Zebeedee: i can trust you, You know my mum will freak out.. anyways..

I gotta go now bye

darkco: no don [phone gets put down} t go i- nvm. *sighs* sometimes i wish we could talk longer...and maybe even have lunch together like we used to he barely notices me at school now. after changing classes.. oh well...{turns to pet cat] maybe darkco~Chan should tell him how darkco~Chan feels.. someday soon maybe but he likes Mikati~Chan and not darkco~Chan but then there isnt a point.. unless..*sighs* i guess i must at least try to tell him

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2017 ⏰

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