Fire and shadows

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Time seemed to slow, as I heard the slow footsteps of Victor as he made his way. My nose was alive with the smell of cat, sweat, and a new found excitement. Victor could no doubt smell me from there. 

Cats weren't as good as dogs when it came to ferals. Cat based ferals could only smell  life forms. They couldn't distinguish the smell of a human to the scent of an animal. Dogs could...I could.

"Gotcha..." Victor chuckled.

Instead of kicking down the door like I expected, he gently pushed open the door.

"Hello? Anybody home?" He said laughing, all the while smelling around.

All ferals or animals in general had their distinct smell, but I was able to mask it pretty well. I watched his black leather, steel toed boots walk silently along the floor. I thought he was about to leave, when his face appeared under the bed.

"Well, what do we have here?" He said , moving to grab me. 

I wouldn't let myself be taken that easily. I bit his hand, hard. I could taste the coppery taste of blood spurt from his hand into my mouth. 

"Why you!" He growled, over-turning the bed.

He grabbed me roughly by the scruff of my neck as he dragged me out of my home.

Outside, all the smells were magnified. The pungent aroma of blood, iron and sweat burned the inside of my nose. 

I flailed around, trying to scratch at anything that came within paws reach.

I could see people lazily point their guns at me, but I didn't care. Adrenaline was too strong.

"This mangy mutt of a wolf is the only thing I found. A big one...I guess...What are we going to do with it?" Victor said holding me up to his boss.

The boss sighed. "What use does a wolf have for us, Victor?"

"Well you told me to find survivors." Victor argued unamusedly.

 "Well, let it go." The boss said.

A sudden wave of anger washed over Victor. "No way in hell am I letting this bitch go, it bit me!" 

Another man spoke up and laughed. "Awww, did widdle Vicky get a boo boo?" he teased.

Victor let out an animalistic growl but I laughed on the inside. If it wasn't for this situation, I might have liked the other guy.

"Well, do whatever you want, Victor. But do it quick. I hate the sound of whimpering."

The boss walked away and plugged his ears. Victor looked me dead in the eyes.

"I am going to enjoy this." He growled, smirking as he walked over to a growing fire.

I called out mentally to Navaeha and hoped she'd get here in time.

Victor held me at arms length away from him and over the fire. I could feel his grip loosening as he let go of me. What happened next seemed to be in slow motion. 

Navaeha quickly showed up at the last second, and as I was falling, she reached out and caught me in her arms. I wagged my tail as I clung to her as best I could.

In that tiny moment that I had in Navaeha's arms, everything seemed okay. But this wasn't destined to last. Everyone stared at us, until Victor slashed straight through Navaeha and caught my left hind leg. I fell hard on the ground as Navaeha disappeared into black mist.

"Well...wasn't that...interesting." Said the boss. "That changes everything. We're bringing her with us."

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