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littlethingss11 writing 2014 / updated 2017

I have been sitting against the concrete wall of the mansion for hours and I haven't moved a muscle. My mind is at war. If I leave, I have nowhere to go. My drunken mother has probably already forgotten all about me, so have nowhere to go outside the mansion. Though if I stay, I will be tortured and abused, and somewhere deep down I don't want to leave Louis. I don't know why I'm not rejecting him like the other boys, but there is something there, even if it is the slightest beam of kindness. I've probably been in this place too long that I can't think clearly anymore, but Louis seems different, like he somewhat... cares. I instantly shake those thoughts away and focus on what's going on right now.

It is around 11:50pm and I have been sitting outside all day waiting for the horrible fate of my birthday to arrive. Zayn can't find me from inside and the other boys are still trying to chase me out there because they haven't come home yet and they are too stupid to know otherwise. A chuckle escapes my lips at their foolishness. Another thing that has become apparent is the cold. I am in a shirt and shorts, while the tempurature has dropped to freezing. My body has been shivering for a few hours in the pitch black of the night and refuses to leave the mansion, but I won't go inside either. Shivers invade my body and I know if I don't go inside I might die, but there is a death inside too. With this thought, I gain enough of my weakened strength to make my way toward the door.

My shaking hand pushes open the doors and heat envelops my skin. The doors make a loud sound, probably alerting Zayn, so I don't have anytime to waste running for my bedroom. I make my way through the third corridor until I am cut off, by a horrendous slap across my shivering face. I gasp as my breath gets caught in my throat as I am almost thrown to the floor.

"Where the hell have you been, you little bitch?" Zayn spits out. I knew coming inside was the wrong decision. Just from his one manoeuvre, I snap inside. I am sick of them having control over me, and they said they would break me on my birthday. I still have time. They won't break me. My confidence soars as anger takes the wheel. I am not backing down.

"I have been here the whole time," Answering truthfully, but with an innocent voice.

"No you haven't you whore! I have been watching those cameras all fucking day!" He barks.

"Maybe you were looking, but not really seeing," I reply smartly.

"Cut the crap Alex, where were you?" Zayn is infuriated.

"I was right in front of you the whole time," I know I am making him mad, and although it's not the greatest idea since it is now eight minutes till my birthday, I can't help it. I am beyond angry. They taunt me everyday, so why can't they get a taste of their own medicine?

I start to pass him, not giving him the satisfaction of an argument. A hand grabs my wrist and yanks me back toward him. I end up having my back pressed against Zayn's front.

"You think you can get out of this that easily?" He slyly whispers in my ear.

"Yes," I say cheekily.

"You know it's your birthday in seven minutes," He start to suck on my earlobe as his eyes dart toward the clock upon the wall on the other side of the room.

"Exactly, seven whole minutes," I giggle and break free of his hold. I don't know where this new found confidence has come from, but I don't care. It feels as if I have nothing left inside, nothing left to feel, so I have no fear left to give. I run upstairs with Zayn hot on my tail. Once we are at the top of the stairs, I turn around and ask more questions just to piss him off to his limits.

"So, where are the other boys?" I ask bitter sweetly with a wicked smile, feeling adrenaline spike in my veins and understand, even for a second, why they do what they do.

"You know where the fuck they are," Zayn growls, fists clenched.

"Oh, still out on that foolish goose chase!" I throw my head back and cackle in the way a villain would. It feels good to be in charge - no wonder they love it so much. Adrenaline sparks again, but differently. It isn't fear surging through me like always, its evil and powerful and dark. I feel dangerous.

"Alex, stop it now, before you get hurt," Zayn's voice is so low it would be considered a whisper.

"Six minutes Zayn," I whisper just to tease, feeling darkness flicker in my eyes.

"Fuck six minutes!" He rages and grabs me by my legs; throwing me over his shoulder, progresses into my bedroom before dumping me on my bed with force. His lips collide with mine, his hands invading my skin, quickly making their way down to my area. His lips continue to lock down on mine, then making their way down to my neck. I refuse to let him have this. I still have five minutes.

Swiftly, my knee swings at his crotch, which is dangerously close to mine, and he buckles over in pain. I use my chance to escape and I head toward the stairs, though to no avail. A strong set of arms surround me from behind and Zayn lips continue their previous task. His hands roam over my breasts and tug on my waist to turn me around. I squirm, but because of his anger, Zayn is too strong for me and I end up facing him. From the roughness of Zayn's attack, I am being pushed backwards until I hit the stairway banister. I manage to turn myself back around in his hold so my back is crammed into his front. I feel his touch set my skin on fire and I push and pull on his arms in mercy for release, but Zayn slips a hand into my underwear and I scream as his other hand holds me in place. I have never had anyone touch there, and with only two minutes before my birthday clocks over at midnight, I have to refuse. My elbow comes into contact with his nose and stomach only moments apart. I free myself for a moment, though a moment is never enough. Zayn has me in his agonizing hold once again. Facing each other, I push and pull holding his collar, while he wraps his right hand around my neck to strangle me. I divert my attention to my neck and grip my hands over his to try and let oxygen progress throughout my throat against his strangle.

More involuntary steps are taken whilst my back facing the stairs. I feel more assaults hit my body as Zayn uses his spare hand to punch my stomach and then feel my area with force. His hand finally releases my neck with a push and only realizing in a moment there is nothing behind me. The moment slows in my realisation and I hit the stairs roughly and progress downward, feeling injuries destroy my body with every stair I collapse over.

My back comes into contact with the marble tiles at the bottom and I scream in agony. Pain spirals throughout my structure and I see Zayn, standing high and mighty, at the top of the stairs, smirking like the devil he is.

"Time's up, Alex." 

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