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Your POV

You buckled your seatbelt and shoved your carry on underneath your seat. Right now you were flying to California to meet Finn. you hadn't seen him since you were twelve, two years ago. Honestly, you were really nervous. Only his parents knew you were coming, he had no clue. You'd be staying with his family for as long as it took for your mom to find a job up there. Then, you planned on staying in California. You had no idea how he would react. The first year he was gone, you guys kept in touch. Face timed twice a day, and then only once a week. Then he started sending you small texts instead of answering your calls. After the first year went by, you'd be lucky if he even responded to your texts. He was just too busy now; too busy for you. You hadn't heard from him in months. The only reason you knew he was still alive was if you saw his name on the front of a magazine or in an interview. You sighed and ran your hands through your hair. It was pointless to stress yourself out though. It was almost five, so maybe you could try and get some sleep.


Your car pulled up to Finns house and you were literally pulling your hair out you were so nervous.

"Why don't you go say hi while your dad and I grab the suitcases, sweetie." Your mom suggests and you nod. You run up to his door and ring the doorbell. After a minute or so you hear the lock being undone and the door creeks open. There stands a tired Finn, still rubbing his eyes.

"What are yo-y/n?" His hands drop from his face. "Y/n!" You smile and run into his arms. He squeezes you, slightly lifting you off the ground. "What are you doing here? I missed you so much." He let you out of the hug and you laughed. His hands were still around your waist and yours around his neck. You were so happy to see him.

"I missed you too." You took second to look at him. He'd really grown up. Not only was he a few inches taller than you but his voice had gotten deeper and scratchier. His dark hair was long and pushed to the side. And his deep brown eyes were shining. But his patch of freckles and crooked smirk were exactly the same. He removed his hands and stepped back.

"Well don't just stand there, come in." He stepped back and opened the door wider. You followed him up to his room after greeting his parents with hugs. He opened his bedroom door to reveal a very messy room. In all the years you'd known Finn, you knew just how unorganized he was. "A-sorry it's a mess. I didn't know you were coming over." He said frantically picking up clothes and vinyls off the floor. "Why are you here anyway?" He stopped with a pile full of stuff in his hands. You plopped down on his bed and cuddled with a pillow. It was kinda cold in his room.

"Well eventually we're moving up here. But until then, were staying with you." You said, unable to wipe the smile off of your face. You'd missed Finn so much and it was crazy to see him again. 

"I should probably grab my pajamas now." You said and turned to leave. It was almost eight and you knew how tired you'd be from flying tomorrow.

"Woah woah, it is way too late for you to get them now." Finn said, setting down the pile in his hands. He shoved his hands in the pocket of his pajama pants.

"It's just to the car. I think I'll be fine." You put your hands up defensively.

"No you should borrow something of mine. You can get your stuff tomorrow." He argued. He walked to his dresser and picked up an oversized t-shirt. He tossed it to you from across the room.

"Thank you. But what about the pants?" He shrugged.

"Who needs pants anyway." Finn declared jumping back on his bed.

"Me. I need pants." You laughed and shook your head. "If it gets cold don't be surprised when I wake you up for pajama bottoms." He laughed and jogged downstairs. "Where are you going?" You called down the stairs.

"I'm giving you some privacy, duh! And I'm also making hot chocolate." You smiled and began to undress. You slipped the shirt on and it went almost down to your knees. The blue shirt was soft and actually, you didn't need pants to wear it. You pulled your hair into a messy bun at the top of your head and slipped on a pair of socks. Just then, Finn ran upstairs with two mugs of hot chocolate in hand and a bowl of popcorn. You grabbed a mug and sat in the mountain of pillows and blankets that was his bed. He set the popcorn bowl down and sat next to you. You took a sip of your drink and almost singed your whole tongue off. It was literally scorching.

"Careful its hot." Finn said nonchalantly. You glared at him.

"Thanks." You said picking up the remote and turning on his T.V. The two of you talked more then watched the movie. By the end of it your eyelids were drooping.

"Y/n I think you should go to bed. You look pretty tired." You pushed away your empty hot cocoa cup and stood up slowly.

"Goodnight Finnie." You said softly and walked away.

"N/n," he called and you turned around. "You look really cute in that shirt." You blushed and ran down to your room. You buried yourself in the thick covers and drifted off to sleep.


It was nearly 3:00 AM and you'd woken up shivering. It was Summer. In California! But it was understandable that Finns family wanted to keep the house cold. Just like Canada. You pulled off the thin sheets and walked up to Finn's room. You opened his door and walked over to his dresser. It would be rude to wake him up, so you thought you'd just look yourself. You pulled open one of the top drawers. It was hard to see in the darkness, so you held up the piece of clothing by the window. You immediately dropped it realizing they were boxers. Okay so you were definitely not wearing those. Finn sat up in his bed. His hair was an intense bed head but it was still pretty cute. He yawned.

"What are you doing? What time is it?" You instantly felt bad for waking him up.

"I was cold and just looking for something warmer." You explained playing with your nails guiltily. He opened his arms and laid down in bed.

"C'mere." He smiled with his eyes closed, too tired to open them. You hesitantly crawled into his bed and into his arms. He wrapped the. Around you and you snuggled into his chest. It was definitely warmer this way. You blushed a bit at the fact that the two of you were sleeping together but it didn't really matter. You guys were best friends and nothing could come between you.

"Goodnight Finnie." You whispered, unsure if he was awake. A few moments later he nuzzled face into the crook of your neck.

"G'night n/n."

word count - 1244

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