A New Customer

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AN: I thought it would be a decent idea to post some of the drabble I write in my free time on here so hopefully this pans out well!! SORRY FOR HAVING TO READ PURE GARBAGE™


This small town used to be bustling due it being next to a major highway, you grew up through the rise and the fall of the town, watching low income establishments fall apart as people moved away due to the climbing crime rates and scarcity of jobs. It was a lovely growth to a dreadful downfall in the end and you stuck around. It's not that you wanted to be there, it's just you lacked the money to make it out of the deadbeat wasteland.

The only source of income was waiting at a diner that was hardly alive. Drifters would often come in and go and regulars would be members of the surrounding Deadlock Gang. At this point you just tried to act like they didn't even exist, them coming in and harassing you for free beverages and smoking though it was off limits in the restaurant was one thing but having to deal with them sexually harassing you was a way different story. You needed good tips to pay whatever bills so you were for forced to play the act of a mindless doll, innocently batting your eyelashes and gasping in pleasant surprise anytime someone roughly grabbed your hips or thighs, especially the ass, before teasing them with a, "Oh, you sleaze!" In the daintiest of tones. You considered shooting them with the gun under the counter but the consequences seemed too steep, especially with a gang.

You stood behind the counter at the empty diner, taking advantage of your free time as you dabbled in some reading then and there. It was a relaxing escape from reality, loving every moment of an adventure you yourself never got to personally experience or deal with a romantic interest. Books made it seem easy to get someone to like you, especially if they're attractive. Creasing your eyebrows at how unrealistic the chances of that to happen to you in some shit town like this caused you to huff, closing your book before sliding it away from you, jumping at the sudden deep chuckle from across the room.

"Looks like somethin' didn't strike you right in your book, huh?" The man that stood before you was tall, somewhat long brown hair hiding underneath a tacky looking cowboy hat. But oh god did it for him so well. His features were sharp though his soft brown eyes were looking at you with amusement, his chiseled face that could seem always serious in an amiable grin.

The voice was a pleasant baritone, a long southern drawl adding a somewhat nice charm. Was he from out of town? You'd never seen this man in your life, and with someone with looks like that, you were sure to remember him if he hung around. A drifter perhaps? Shit, or is he another gang member rookie there to harass you? Your aggravated expression remained for a moment at the thoughts of this young man probably being one of the usual men that came along, but you forced a soft smile on your face, chuckling at his comment, "No, no, I'm good." You replied as you casually slid a menu to him as he sat down, "Just stupid thoughts getting to me..."

"Huh, is that so?" His smile remained on his sharp features before releasing a breathier version of that deep hearty laugh, "If it's like that with every book remind me to never read in my free time, y'hear?"

"I'll try," you replied, getting a chance to look at his gorgeous features as you fully turned to look at him, "Anything you want to drink, hm?"

"Oh, I was just seekin' to calm my craving for coffee," he replied, "Dunno why I want it so much, though. I just like it plain black, thanks darlin'."
Skimming over his features once against you tensed at the presence of the revolver sitting comfortably in his holster, probably for self defense in these parts but it was unnerving to say the least.

"Oh! My apologies, didn't mean t' scare you, miss. It's jus' dangerous 'round these parts. Never can be too careful." He took the gun from its spot before taking off his hat, sitting the two items next to him on the old countertop. He nodded softly in apology before returning his gaze to you. You simply stared at him for a couple moments, almost completely enthralled in this man already. It was an odd feeling that struck you, really, but you searched your already scattered brain to give an excuse to this young man why you were staring at him like an idiot.

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