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-Hoshi's POV-

I was walking back to Yoonji and my seat. However, I saw the gang. Yes, the gang. The gang leader was kicking Yoonji on her leg and she scrunched up in a ball. I immediately put down my food and went to help her. I lend her my hand while giving death glares to the gang leader. She soon got up and I brought her to the school's clinic.

I let her sit in the bed while I treat her swollen, bleeding knees.

"It might be a bit painful but it's going to be fast, okay?" I asked.

She nodded.

I started to apply some ointment on her knee. "Ah..." Oh no I think I hurt her.

"Are you OK?" I asked again.

"Yeah I am it just hurts a little,"

I then applied more ointment but I made sure to be very gentle. When I was all done, I bandaged her knee and led her back to our class.

"Are you sure you don't want to rest at home?" I asked her for the 5th time.

"C'mon Hoshi, you know it's been long since I last attended school right? I want to experience things!" She said.

I finally gave in and we walked back to class.

And the boring lesson continues...

-Yoonji's POV-

Hoshi treated my injury and brought me back to class. The teacher came in and continued lesson. It's been so long I've seen a teacher. Well, except my mom.

"Hey Yoonji, can I walk you home today?" Hoshi suddenly asked.

I didn't want to trouble him again and rejected his offer.

"No thanks, I've given you enough troubles and I don't want to cause any more troubles,"

"Yoonji please~" He did aegyo.

This was my first time seeing a guy do aegyo but seriously, he's so cute! I decided to just let him walk me home, to avoid THOSE people.

The bell rang.

YASS! Finally time to go home! Hoshi and I walked home together. We walked past a park and saw people selling ice cream. I looked at Hoshi. Hoshi looked at me.

"Want ice cream?" He asked me.

"Yes please!" I said like a child that got sugar high.

He bought me chocolate ice cream and I started to bite into them. Bad idea. They were literally giving me brain freezes. I shivered a bit.

"Yo girl, chill. Don't eat that ice cream so fast! You'll choke!" He said.

I learnt from my lesson and ate slowly.

When I reached home, I was done with my ice cream. Perfect timing.

I said good bye to Hoshi but he stopped me.

"Huh? What's wrong? I asked.

Hoshi walked up to me and wiped the corner of my lip.

"You've got something on your mouth," He replied.

I get it. I had ice cream on my lips.

I thanked him and said good bye. My first friend Hoshi... I'll cherish our friendship forever...

I opened the door and greeted my mom. "Mom I'm HOME!" I Shouted.

She came out of the kitchen.

"How's first day of school? Was it-" she was cut off when she saw the bandages on my knee.

"Are you being bullied again?" She asked.

I didn't want her to worry so I lied, "Nah, I just tripped."

She nodded but I could see that she is still suspicious.

I went up to my room and plopped myself on the bed. Thoughts flooded my mind.

The bullies... one of them looked kind of familiar. Perhaps I've seen him on the streets before? Or is it just that the fact that he's my classmate. Or was it...

Before I finished thinking, I fell asleep.

~The next morning~

Doot Doot.

My alarm rang. Yay! Another new day of high school! I quickly wore my uniform and washed up. I rushed down stairs and ate breakfast. I never knew I would be this excited for school.

"Be careful at school today darling," My mom said and kissed my cheek. Yeah, I know I have the sweetest mom.

I took my bag and walked out of the house. On my way, I saw some one familiar. Oh wait, it's Hoshi! I called out to him.

"Hey HOSHI!" He turned around and smiled.

"Hey Yoonji! You feeling better?"

"Yeah! Better than ever!"

We walked to school together while talking about more random stuff. Such as what are his hobbies, what do we have in common, and all other things. I have never been so happy. Hoshi was my first ever friend, well, you could call him a best friend now.

We entered the school gate.

We went into our class and sat down. Our first lesson is science and I love science cause you can do so many experiments. But mom never let me do them at home for some reasons. I wonder why.

Anyways, we were requested to be working in groups cause we have a project due next week. I wonder who my group member will be, hopefully it'll be Hoshi.

"Yoona, Jihoon, Taehyung, and Lisa, you guys are in a group," the teacher continued to read out group names and it was finally my turn.

"Hoshi, Sooyoung, Yoonji and Mingyu, you guys are in a group." I squealed when I heard that I was with Hoshi but Mingyu... No way. It can't be him right? It's probably some coincidence. So many people have the same names, right? I shrugged the thought off and gathered with my group.

Sooyoung started first, "Ugh. Why must I work with this ugly girl here, she doesn't even know anything,"

What even, that arrogant girl thinks she knows everything and started flirting with Mingyu and Hoshi.

"Yeah I agree, she doesn't deserve to be in this group," Mingyu said. So Mingyu is the one who was bullying me yesterday!

Luckily, Hoshi told them to stop insulting me and just discuss about the work instead. I didn't dare to look at Mingyu and we quickly finished the discussion.

The bell rang.

Wooh! Mansae! It's recess!

Hoshi and I rushed to the cafeteria but someone pulled my wrist so I ended up in the classroom again.

I turned around to find... Mingyu.

"Wh- what do you want from me now?" I asked as I gulped.

"Yoonji... Park Yoonji?" He asked.

Wait, how does he know my full name...

"K-Kim Min...gyu?" I said.

"I knew it! It's you ugly girl! I didn't now you had the courage to come back to school!" He laughed in an evil way.

"C'mon, just because you turned a bit more not ugly doesn't mean I won't be stop bullying you. So be prepared." He said and left.

Oh my gosh... this can't be true.

~To be continued~

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