Powers high school Part 6

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 I was woken up by the sound of Tyler shouting " WAKE UP IT'S THE FIRST DAY" while he shot me with electric shocks, "EVERYONE TO THE SHOWERS " Tyler carried on shouting like a mad man."Alright, mum were coming" I mumbled as I dragged myself to the shower.Unlike our house in London, there were 4 small bathrooms each with a shower, toilet, and urinal so no one had to share a bathroom.After ten minutes everyone was dressed and ready in their school uniform.It had a light blue blazer with a white undershirt black pants and a black and purple tie, don't let the basic look fool you Tyler told me the uniform is basically indestructible. "Has anyone seen Oliver ?" asked Harry. "Look he's asleep" answered Tyler ."BOO" said Oliver from behind us as we all screamed.The clone on the bed disappeared and Oliver just stood there with a grin on his face" are you lot gonna come to breakfast or just stare at me the whole day" asked Oliver as He walked out into one of the elevators "come on then" he said as we followed him to breakfast.One awkward elevator ride later we made it to the great hall, Its walls and roof were made out gold and its floor was made out of a red carpet it was about 500 m squared With finely crafted oak wood tables filled with breakfast food like pancakes, waffles, toast , all cereals,doughnuts,fruits ,every jam,chocolate spread and so much more.I sat down at a table with my twins and Oliver, I ate pancakes and waffles with maple syrup and every spread there was, and everyone else had toast and jam or cereal."Why are you not having pancakes" I asked with my mouth full of delicious jam and pancakes "BECAUSE we have PE every day here so if we eat all that we'll throw up," said Tyler ."Your loss" I said after an hour of taking and eating we walked to Tech design with professor Jose. We walked in and Tyler forced our group to sit at the front of the class." welcome everyone to technological design, I'm professor Jose bus driver and teacher, in technological design you learn how do make weapons and gadgets" said prof Jose with a grin on his face."OK class this what we are going to do, in this bag if have loads of materials and parts when I take something out of the bag you will have to guess what it is and what it does" said prof Jose as he pulled out a purple gleaming piece of metal."Tin" shouted Lucas Ferrandes from the back of the class before the teacher could answer Tyler said "no that's vibrainium, a rare and expensive metal found in Wakonda that is 10 times lighter and stronger than steel I can tell because of the slight purple glint it gives of when exposed to light , it can be used like normal metals but is better used in swords and blades good examples of these uses are in captain Americas shield and Black panthers claws another use of vibrainium is a sound cannon you send a noise into a cup of vibrainium and it comes out 100 times louder due to this the simple sound of a hum could make ears bleed if the contraption is made correctly"stated Tyler proudly."very good Tyler"said prof Jose.The rest of the lesson went by with Tyler, and this girl that he fancied called Christina a skinny African-American girl with long black curly hair who I think had x-ray vision, answering all of the questions and everyone else frantically trying to take notes.While we were walking to the next class I asked Tyler how he did so well he said "I may have sorta... kind of read the the whole textbook (How to make and use gadgets by batman) 3 times "Brilliant" I responded.When we entered spy training classroom there was a tall Asian woman with long black hair and black eyes waiting for us "she's scary " said Oliver and Harry at the same time.When everyone sat down she began talking " I am professor Malinda and this is spy training if you want to become an undercover agent, be able to lie very convincingly, to do anything like James Bond, learn how to handle weapons and learn a little bit of martial arts this is the class you have to ace" she said as she looked around the room demanding respect, I instantly gave it to her."You" she said pointing at Christina "what are the main role of a spy"? "Do not trust"answered Christina correctly, The rest of the lesson went by quickly being mostly just a bunch of other rules about being a spy."Well, that class was boring," I said as we walked to our next class "the teacher was scary" said Oliver, everyone nodded in agreement."Guys, I think I left my books back at home" I said as Harry grudgingly gave Tyler 10 pounds."Did you two bet if I forgot my books" I said as they both nodded "You too are great brothers you know that " I said with a hint of sarcasm as we entered The science class it was all white and there were a few table and chairs around the class and right at the back of the class there were a bunch of cups and beakers containing strange bubbly liquids."SILENCE" boomed a nerdy voice from the front of the class, we all turned around to see prof Matthew a short, fat man with brown hair and green eyes ."I am professor Matthew you science teacher, here you will learn how to make acids and concoctions that can do all kind of things" He stated" do not touch anything at the back of the class unless you want to die a horrible death" he said as a girl was going closer to the back of the class."does anyone know the periodic table" ? asked the professor, Tyler instantly shot his hand up like a rocket and said the whole periodic table.

  "1 - H - Hydrogen
2 - He - Helium
3 - Li - Lithium
4 - Be - Beryllium
5 - B - Boron
6 - C - Carbon
7 - N - Nitrogen
8 - O - Oxygen
9 - F - Fluorine
10 - Ne - Neon
11 - Na - Sodium
12 - Mg - Magnesium
13 - Al - Aluminum
14 - Si - Silicon
15 - P - Phosphorus
16 - S - Sulfur
17 - Cl - Chlorine
18 - Ar - Argon
19 - K - Potassium
20 - Ca - Calcium
21 - Sc - Scandium
22 - Ti - Titanium
23 - V - Vanadium
24 - Cr - Chromium
25 - Mn - Manganese
26 - Fe - Iron
27 - Co - Cobalt
28 - Ni - Nickel
29 - Cu - Copper
30 - Zn - Zinc
31 - Ga - Gallium
32 - Ge - Germanium
33 - As - Arsenic
34 - Se - Selenium
35 - Br - Bromine
36 - Kr - Krypton
37 - Rb - Rubidium
38 - Sr - Strontium
39 - Y - Yttrium
40 - Zr - Zirconium
41 - Nb - Niobium
42 - Mo - Molybdenum
43 - Tc - Technetium
44 - Ru - Ruthenium
45 - Rh - Rhodium
46 - Pd - Palladium
47 - Ag - Silver
48 - Cd - Cadmium
49 - In - Indium
50 - Sn - Tin
51 - Sb - Antimony
52 - Te - Tellurium
53 - I - Iodine
54 - Xe - Xenon
55 - Cs - Cesium
56 - Ba - Barium
57 - La - Lanthanum
58 - Ce - Cerium
59 - Pr - Praseodymium
60 - Nd - Neodymium
61 - Pm - Promethium
62 - Sm - Samarium
63 - Eu - Europium
64 - Gd - Gadolinium
65 - Tb - Terbium
66 - Dy - Dysprosium
67 - Ho -
68 - Er - Erbium
69 - Tm - Thulium
70 - Yb - Ytterbium
71 - Lu - Lutetium
72 - Hf - Hafnium
73 - Ta - Tantalum
74 - W - Tungsten
75 - Re - Rhenium
76 - Os - Osmium
77 - Ir - Iridium
78 - Pt - Platinum
79 - Au - Gold
80 - Hg - Mercury
81 - Tl - Thallium
82 - Pb - Lead
83 - Bi - Bismuth
84 - Po - Polonium
85 - At - Astatine
86 - Rn - Radon
87 - Fr - Francium
88 - Ra - Radium
89 - Ac - Actinium
90 - Th - Thorium
91 - Pa - Protactinium
92 - U - Uranium
93 - Np - Neptunium
94 - Pu - Plutonium
95 - Am - Americium
96 - Cm - Curium
97 - Bk - Berkelium
98 - Cf -
99 - Es - Einsteinium
100 - Fm - Fermium
101 - Md - Mendelevium
102 - No - Nobelium
103 - Lr - Lawrencium
104 - Rf - Rutherfordium
105 - Db - Dubnium
106 - Sg - Seaborgium
107 - Bh - Bohrium
108 - Hs - Hassium
109 - Mt - Meitnerium
110 - Ds - Darmstadtium
111 - Rg - Roentgenium
112 - Cn - Copernicium
113 - Uut - Ununtrium
114 - Fl - Flerovium
115 - Uup - Ununpentium
116 - Lv - Livermorium
117 - Uus - Ununseptium
118 - Uuo - Ununoctium"Stated Tyler as he gasped for air."Well done tyler" Stated the professor with a pleased look on his face. The rest of lesson was just trying to memorize the periodic table while Tyler and the teacher talked about nerdy stuff.When the lesson was finished we all were walking to the hall to eat when I said to Tyler " you know Tyler you a nerd" everyone nodded in agreement, Tyler rolled his eyes.When we finished stuffing our butts with beef, chicken, rice, salad and pasta we walked to our next lesson, PE."WOOOOOOO I LOVE PE"I screamed at the top of my lungs "barbarian" muttered Tyler under his breath.When we entered the PE hall ( that was the size of a football pitch) we found coach Martin there waiting for us."Welcome to physical Education, in this lesson you will be working out to stay fit, learning fighting techniques, sparring with each other and playing a few games here and there" said coach Martin calmly... "NOW GET IN LINE AND KEEP RUNNING LAPS UNTIL I TELL YOU TO STOP" shouted coach martin as everyone started to run laps around the main hall after 20 minutes of running coach yelled to stop. "Congratulations James Peterson on running the most laps." said the coach while I grinned at Tyler."NOW I WANT 100 PUSH UP'S AND SIT UP'S NOW"boomed the coach.Ten minutes later everyone one was on the floor clutching their bellies and arms we all got up and went to drink water and when we came back the coach said that we were going to spare.Our partners were Me vs Oliver and harry vs Tyler after watching a few people fight me and Oliver stepped into the ring.

When coach said go, Oliver instantly surrounded me with clones who then started ran up to me and started punching and kicking me I smashed the floor and it set on fire which turned all the clones into dust except for the real one who just got stunned I then started to hurl fireballs at Oliver before he could make more clones he dodged a few but then he got hit right in the chest with one and coach ended the match with me winning it. 

Next was Tyler and Harry when coach said go Harry made a sword and shield made out of is and charged at Tyler.After a while of Harry swinging and Tyler dodging and shooting electricity at the shield Tyler used his electricity to make a small flash bang and then he used his fingers to taser Tyler until the coach yelled to stop. When we made it to our dorms we done our homework and slept right though dinner.

Authors note

Thank you for reading vote and follow me if you enjoyed and comment on what I could do better next time bye.

Word count:1960

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2017 ⏰

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