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The town hall was crowded. People roaming  about here and there. Women wore light gowns and dresses,  while the men were fitted well in tuxedos and long dress robes.

It was the Day Of The Dead.

Some had skeleton like masks covering their face while some chose mythical creature like masks to hide their human being-ish face. Some pretended to be zombies, while some pretended to stay sober.

The entire town was present there.  Everybody was in a mood to rejoice. The annual Day Of The Dead  parade was about to begin.

But a few miles away in a vast field, where there was no commotion and no pandemonium, lay two young lovers on the fresh green grass staring up at the infinite sky in deep thought and in deep love.

"They will be coming for us soon", the girl said.
"The sooner, the better", he replied.
She looked at him. He was so charming. His blue eyes and black hair were enough to make her fall in love with him. Lying on his chest and listening to his heart beat for her, gave her solace. 
She hadn't cared about the consequences. She had just loved.

Realizing that she was looking at him, he turned his face towards her. She was a beauty. Her golden hair and black eyes had made him weak in the knees.
He was so proud of her. This fragile and delicate girl had shown such valor and strength to keep their love alive. He was in awe of her.

They smiled at each other and came forward. Their lips met.
It was the last time their bodies touched each other physically.

They could hear the stomping of people towards the field. There were many. A few gunshots were heard and people applauded.
The fierce and violent men were ready to do their job.

"They have come. It's time" he said.

She nodded. They walked toward the end of the field, near the cliff. Hand in hand. The chattering of the people gradually  increased. They were near.

Once near the cliff, the two lovers looked at each other with happiness in their eyes. They were going to be together now. Forever and ever.

She held his hand tightly. Both of them closed their eyes.

"On the count of three", she said.



The wind was fierce and the sky was cloudy. Not a ray of sunshine could be seen and the birds weren't chirping anymore.

As the two lovers united in eternity, the Annual Day Of The Dead parade commenced a few miles away.

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