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Nick slicked his hand through his black hair as he watched Rochelle and Coach talk about where to go next on the map that was laid out on the wooden table, uncaring, as long as they got out of this safe house, and safely into the next. It was quite a way until the next safe house, about 10 miles, but if they walked fast all day and all night, they would make it just fine. The question was, were they up to it?

His gaze wandered to the Hick-Boy, watching Ellis intently load his guns with his face superbly close to the actual gun. What, was he study it? How dumb…it was a fucking gun. Nothing else to it. But no, Ellis just had to take the time to examine every little fucking thing. What a fucking hillbilly. But, whatever. Let Ellis get killed. Like Nick cared!

You know the feeling of someone watching you? It itches at you, makes you tense, and is just unbearable…you have to look up. Ellis paused his actions and looked up at Nick, frozen completely by the gambler's intense icy-glare. "Wha' Nick?" He supposed Nick was staring so hard at him because Ellis had taken the best guns selfishly this time. Any other time, he'd offer up a gun to Rochelle at the least, but to Nick? Nick had his Desert Eagle. He'd be fine.

Nick just shook his head and rolled his eyes, breaking the gaze. "Nothin' Ellis…just nothin'. Are you guys ready to leave?" He cocked his Desert Eagle and held it at the level of his eye, ready to go out into the zombie-infested world.

With nods, they packed up their items quickly and prepared for battle against the moaning, groaning, disgusting zombies. Coach counted to three before opening the door slowly and stepping outside. There weren't any zombies to be found nearby, but a few were off in the distance, about 20 yards away, just stumbling about absent-mindedly.

Nick lowered his gun and walked casually in the zombies' direction. "This isn't right…something's going on. I can feel it." He squinted as he scanned the entire area, pausing his movement to listen. "Everyone shut up…I hear something…" The others became deathly still and silent, looking from one another to try and figure out what Nick was hearing. They heard nothing. "Nick, sweetheart, I don't hear anything…" Rochelle sighed and put her hand on her hip, getting a bit agitated.

Nick did not like that comment, but he was right. There was something. A giant horde of zombies came running over the hill, screaming loudly with many specials mixed in with the bunch. His eyes widened and he backed up, getting ready to fight. "Fuckin' hell!" He looked at Ellis to do most of the work since he had the best equipment out of all of them.

Understanding Nick's look, Ellis opened fire, shooting most of the ordinary zombies before they reached the survivors, but even his guns were no match for the Tank, the Witch, or the Charger. He had done the best he could do with what he was given, but he couldn't waste his ammo like this. He stepped back and prepared a pipe bomb for throwing, then threw it as hard as he could. The zombies ran after it, clawing at it with all their might as the beeping became more frequent, and then a blinding light blew the zombies to shreds.

Rochelle clapped Ellis on the back and praised him. "Holy shit! That was amazing Ellis, sweetie!"

While Ellis blushed and accepted his praise from Coach and Rochelle, Nick busied himself with adjusting his suit to fit comfortably on his body. He had gotten worked up over nothing, because Ellis had stepped in and taken action before any of the others could do anything. Maybe he was a bit jealous…just a bit.

They continued their journey on for miles on end, not stopping to rest until they had travelled 7 miles. By then, it had become dark and everyone was tired. But, someone had to stay awake to keep guard and shoot any stray zombies that dare come near the house they were taking refuge in for the night. Nick offered to do the first shift, and would wake up Coach around 2am to do the next watch, so on, and so forth.

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