Birth (bonus part)

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Jack's POV

I say on the couch with Mark, his head on my huge stomach.He would smile everytime the baby kicked, which was pretty well all the time because I am full term.

I've been having faint contractions for a few days now, and I'm kinda glad. This kid is taking all my energy, eating all my food, I just can't wait to get this sucker out of me.

"God, they're starting to get stronger." Mark looked up at me and smiled. He was super excited, maybe because he's not the one having the baby this time.

I winced at the pain, and Mark grabbed my hand.

"Just breathe, we have to wait until your water breaks until we can go to the hospital." Mark said sweetly. I nod and try to get comfortable on the couch.

Mark's mom flew down to take care of the kids while I have another. She's a lifesaver.

I slowly shut my eyes in pain, squeezing Mark's hand.

"You're doing great! Remember what you told me when I was having Marse?" I shake my head no. "You told me that you have to go through the pain to receive the reward. Keep that in mind."

Thirty minutes later, I have to get up and walk around. I walked around the living room with both hands on my back, pushing my back out more.

"Fuck this hurts!" I throw my head back in frustration.

"Ah, the joys of childbirth!" Mark stood up and stood next to me. "When we get to the hospital, do you want to get an epidural?"

"No, I want this to be done with though!"

"I know, baby. But just think, you did this to me twice, so don't be yelling at me that this was my fault because the other two were your fault!"

Mark smiled at me, then my water broke.

"Thank god!" Mark chucked as he went upstairs to grab the overnight bag. He came back down with keys in hand.

"Let's go have a baby!" Mark kissed my cheek and helped me outside and into the car.

I felt myself calming down but yet getting scared. In one way I know that soon I'm going to be able to hold a new baby that both I and Mark created, and another way I know it's going to fucking hurt.

I held Mark's hand the whole time going to the hospital. Every so often he'd bring my hand up to his lips and kissed my hand.

When we got to the hospital, nerves were shooting through me.

"You are going to be fine, M'love. Your body and the doctors know what to do. And I'll be right here beside you. Just think, in a few hours we're going to know if it's a boy or a girl! We might have two sons and a daughter or two daughters and a son!" Mark leans over and kisses me. "You are going to do great!"

I get out of the car when I'm not having a contraction. Mark walks with me inside the building, and a nurse sees us. She immediately knows that I'm in labor and goes and runs for a wheelchair. She comes back and Mark helps me into the wheelchair.

Once We got to the labor and delivery part of the hospital, Mark grabbed my paperwork and handed it to a nurse. Soon enough, I was in a hospital gown walking around the room cursing under my breath.

"I need a fucking epidural!" I said as I lay back down.

"Awe, can someone not handle the pain?" I look over at Mark.

"I've lasted longer then you did with Marse and Will!" I growned and kicked my feet, honestly like a four year old. Mark left to find somebody that could give me an epidural.

A few minutes later, a doctor comes in.

"Hello Sean! Nice to meet you! I'm Doctor.Gibb, and I'll be delivering your baby today! Now, your husband said that you want an epidural, is that correct?"

"Oh my god yes." The doctor chuckled.

"Okay, I need to check your dilation before we can see if you can get an epidural. If you're too far dilated, we won't be able to give you one."

"Oh please don't say that!" The doctor put on some gloves and helped me put my legs on the what you would call them.. leg holders?

"Actually.. I'm going to get a few nurses, you my friend are about to have a baby!" The doctor leaves, and I look at Mark.

"I can't do this!" I felt stinging in my eyes.

"I know you can! You gotta do it for me, for our kids, and most importantly, you. 'If you do it, the pain will go away!'" A tear fell down my cheek, and Mark wiped it away. "Soon, you are going to be holding a baby, for once, before me. The best advice I can give you is to push as hard as you can, as long as you can. You kinda just have to deal with the pain." I grabbed Mark's hand, weakly smiling at him.

I watch as the same doctor and a few nurses gather in the room. Before I know it, they're preparing me to start.

"Okay.. Are you comfortable, Sean?" I nod yes. "Good.. Now, when you feel the nest contraction, you have to push, can you do that?"

"Yeah.." When I feel a contraction brewing, I start to push. My eyes shut in pain and I start to faintly whine. Mark gives my hand a small squeeze to try and comfort me.

"You're doing great, Sean!" The doctor says. I don't hear her and keep on pushing. "Sean, you have to stop and take a break!"

"No!" I stopped for a second and kept on pushing.

"You're going to pass out! Stop!" My head hits the back of the pillow, and I grown.

"Just breathe, everything is going to be fine!" Mark says as hee moves some hair away from my face. I wait a few minutes until I push again.

As the pain gets worse and worse, I get louder and louder. Once in a while, I look at Mark. His dark brown eyes are filled with sympathy. I squeeze his hand as itt gets harder to push.

"Keep on pushing! I can see the head!" My chin is pressed up onto my chest, with me pretty well screaming. Mark's empty hand rubs on my head.

I was told to take a break, and the erge to push grew. When I was told to push, I pushed harder than before. My whole body shook in pain.

"Come on! One more big push!" I started to scream. All of the sudden, a loud cry filled the room. My head hit the back of the pillow. "Congratulations, it's a boy!"

He was handed to me, and a huge smile krept onto my face. I looked up at Mark, and he lent down to kiss me.

"I am so proud of you!" He said, tears welling up in his eyes. "So, his name is Nathaniel?"

"Yup, Nathaniel Sean Fischbach."

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