Chapter 2

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First POV

After the proclamation you had let the twins into your house to let them explain. Confused and still curious as to what the heck is going on. Grabbing a tray my thoughts ran wild as to why the two kids from a TV show appeared on my doorstep. Handing each of them something to drink we all sat around the table, including Waddles. Upon closer inspection of the two, Mabel's and Waddle's tux was actually a sweater. Go figure.

"So, what's wrong with... my book." It felt so weird coming from your mouth, but it's what they said right?

"Oh! nothing's wrong with your book it just ends with the darkness mmmfmfmphppm..." Dipper covered his sister mouth and you gave a curious look at the two. Dipper started to furiously whisper in his sister's ear giving you a look every now and then. Finally Mabel responded with a muffled ooooh and that was the end of that.

"We can't tell you."

"What? Why? It's my book." You exclaimed slightly upset that you didn't know what was so bad. I mean if something was going to happen to you shouldn't you know about it? Mabel shook her head.

"Uhm... It's wibbly wobbly timey wimey schtuff." She finished off looking away. Dipper face palmed. You sighed before swirling your drink slightly leaning on your hand.

"Ok so what do we need to do to fix it?" At this Dipper stood up on his chair. "Finally! Let's get to the point of this entire visit and just fix this. Hopefully us actually coming this early should fix it already but just in case we are going to give you a piece of equipment me and Gruncle Ford made!" He paused shuffling around in his bag before handing you a small bracelet. It almost looked like a wrist watch, a large circle on it that radiated with a rainbow light. It looked like a smaller version of the portal in Gravity Falls except all the signs along the side were different. Very different. Before you could really look at them, however Dipper spoke up again.

"That's a mini-" "Yes I know a portal. It looks different though what did you do to it?" You questioned still glancing at the bracelet. It seemed inactive the symbols dim and the middle a dark murky gray.

"How did you know?"

"Oh uhm, wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff?" You said in hopes that he'd take Mabel's quote from before. He eyed you warily but continued on with his explanation.

"Ok so each of those symbols represents a different dimension. As far as we know from your book you have to go to each of those dimensions and do something-"

"Something? What something?"

"I'll explain it later." He responds waving the question off. "Any way to activate it you just have to tap the symbol of the dimension you want to go to and it should be able to take you to it. Any questions?"

"Uhm yeah, first off which dimension is which? Also what do you mean something!? I'm still waiting on an answer for that."

"Well you see, something is happening in each dimension, whether it's this new strong force of magic coming in or it's whatever Gruncle Ford is thinking is breaking. He says something is breaking and because of it an overflow of magic is coming into our dimensions. So in the book, and now, your going to need to go into each dimension and, well, the best way to describe it is to strike a deal."

"Strike a deal? What do you mean? And what does this have to do with me?" You were still really confused and adding in this something and magic was just weird...

"Well..." Dipper seemed to be struggling for words. Mabel jumped up answering for him. "You have to take away all the extra magic in the area!"

"What!? How do I do that!?"

"Well, from what my nerd brother has told me," at this Dipper rolls his eyes, "the magic will want to go to the largest vessel, or the one most capable of containing the magic. More often than not it'll try to go to the darkest part so it can light it up like a party! So you need to go find that Darkness that's holding the magic and convince it to give you the magic."

"What happens if I don't?" Mabel just shrugged not knowing the answer. "So I have to find who ever has all this extra magic from something breaking and get them to give it to me? Again I ask, why me?"

"Well, we don't really know either." Dipper gives you a sheepish look and your stuck by the fact that these are just kids. They had traveled dimensions in search of you and the poor kids probably had no way going back either.

"Well, I-I think I can help you." Mabel gave a small shout of glee jumping up and down and almost spilling her hot cocoa. Dipper gave you a bright smile too, before he nodded once, determination shining on his face.

"But..." At this Dipper face slightly fell. "You need to get sleep first. I'm pretty sure traveling dimensions is hard, and..."

You stop suddenly getting up,"Do either of your gruncles even know your here!?" Mabel and Dipper looked to each other before looking back shaking there heads slightly. "Ok, well then, it's about 10:00 pm now so you guys need to head to bed. First thing in the morning I'm going to try to take you back to your dimension." Mabel nodded enthusiastically while you showed them your room.

"Here ya go sleep in there, I'm going to be out in the living room if you need me alright?" Mabel nodded again hugging Waddles close while Dipper sighed and sat on your bed. "Til morning then?" you asked grinning brightly. Dipper nodded again obviously really tired but Mabel was everything energetic, practically bouncing off the walls. You sighed smiling and shaking your head before you closed the door heading into the living room. Alright then. Tomorrow will be a new day and we can fix this. Hopefully I can get them home. With that thought in mind you drifted off to a deep sleep, darkness overtaking your mind.

~Heyo! I told ya, I'm going to be posting pretty close together at first! So we are finally going to launch into the story! I'm going to try more first person like I said and I tried to make it long. Also, yes that is a Doctor Who quote! I'm a big Whovian. I'll leave now, not much to say you know? Bye~

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2017 ⏰

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