Mutated Eggs

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As her mum brought their cups of tea through she began talking to Jamie about her husband.
"Well you see your father and your uncle were extremely clever neuroscientists and Biologists, so he always loved nature,"
"One day he was studying at his laboratory with his uncle and they were about to make the human brain realise its full potential, until the police barged in being the nosy idiots they are,"
"The cops started yelling the usual at them like criminals,"
"But mum why did the cops go aster my father?" Jamie asked staring into her mother's cold eyes.
"I must've skipped a lot then, well you see as test subjects your father abducted prisoners to see if he could purify the wrong things with their brain, it was illegal yes but his cure worked on all of them psychopaths, sociopaths, robbers, rapists, terrorists the lot of 'em I tell ya, so when the cops found out about this and their base they were going to kill them!"
"My dad was an outlaw?" questioned Jamie. The mum went silent for a couple of seconds, then continued ignoring her daughter's question.
"The people who were helped by your dad shot the small amount of policeman from the back and burnt the bodies of the cops, your dad's brother was found dead with his fingerprint's on the gun, it was said to of been a framed suicide due to the way the gun was placed on his chest with no blood on the gun, which is also the same murderer who tried killing your father, which is why I'm turning you in," Instantly, the black men from the mysterious island busted down the back door with machine guns pointing at Jamie's left breast.
"You turned me in?" Jamie questioned to her mum.
"It was a plan which started at your dad's death," sighed her mum.
"You shall pay," Jamie shouted. Without a thought Jamie sang a calming tune.
"Dooooo-Da-Lay ah Doo-So-Tay Woe-Age-Hay Shine again!" Jamie sang before she passed out.

Mutated EggsWhere stories live. Discover now