Whats going on Madye?

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I woke with a startle.It was 6:00 in the morning.Who would be texting me this early? As I reached for my phone I saw that Madye had.It said " Met at mall@10:00@ food court. Need to tell u somethin i portant.''


As I parked my dark blue jeep in the mall's parking lot,I knew Madye had beaten me here,because she recieved a bright yellow bug for her 19th birthday, and I could see it across the parking lot.You always knew she was around when you got a glimsp of it.I swung my door open and slammed it shut,and started off to the food court.I wondered what she needed to talk about.It had to be important if we had to meet in person.When I approached the food court,I saw Jackson sitting with Jenny. What was he doing here.Probley just a quinky dink that they two met and just started to talk.

''Hey Madye,Lue,'' I said when I arrived at the table.''So whats on your mind?''

''Well that,'' she said as she pointed to where Jackson and Jenny were sitting.''I saw those two yesterday at the movies.''she said in a small weary voice.''and my cosin Matt saw them holding hands at Nacho Nonsece on Monday while you were out of town playing in Riverdale.'' she mummbled.

''So what are you getting to,'' I qustioned.

''Well Mag,I.....I......I think that Jacksons cheating on you,''she said.

''What he....he wouldn't do that to me,''I said with a puzzled look on my face.''I'll go talk to him and prove that he isn't cheating on me.''I said as I rose from the table and trotted off towards there table.When I reached my destantion I said,''Hey honey,whats up,'' Jackson looked up at me with a fearful look in his eyes.

''Hey bab,why are you here,''he mummbled

" Whos that sweaty and why did she call you Honey,''Jenny asked.

''This is my....my cosin Magan.She used to call me honey because I would eat it on everything.''he said.

I looked at him with a puzzled face.Oh my gosh,he was cheating on me.I stormed off towards the parking loy.Madye looked at me and stood up and started coming to me.

''Magan,Magan I can explain,''Jackson said.

''Go away, leave me alone,'' I said with tears rolling down my cheacks.

The last good-bye MarissaleeJohnsonjWhere stories live. Discover now