*Wakes up*
Me:Huh why did I wake up?oh I think I had a nightmare
Me:I'll just go check on everybody to see if there okay
*they are all sleeping on the floor*she looks at them while they sleep *
Me:*whispers* ahh they look so cute when they are asleep.
*but sees that someone is missing*
Me:wait where is gavin?
Gavin:Im right behind you .I just couldn't sleep either so yay.i did the same thing you did .I was watching you and everyone look cute when you sleep
Me:your creepy and stop I'm not cute!😡
Gavin:how am I creepy if you did it too
Me:good point .but you should get some sleep
Me: I'm going back to bed
Gavin:k bye goodnight
Me:k bye
*while I go back to bed.gavin is still up and watching.*
*this is what he sees*Logan and cristian sleeping
Jaden sleeping
Selena sleeping
Me sleeping
Gavin:i should go back to bed like she said . Tommorrow is a big day and I need alot of energy for it.i actually like Nathalie as our leader .good night guys😴
Adventurekids trying to survive the apocalypse. while they are in school. also they were in school while the out break happened. 😃😄