We've Got Company

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Sam and Dean Winchester just heard about this case. So they decided to check it out. They walked into the coroners officer and held up their badges.  

"I'm agent Collins this is my partner agent smith" Sam said holding up his fake badge " We'd like to ask you a few questioned about the victims."

" What does it take more than one team to work on the same case," said the coroner.

" Meaning what " asked Dean.

" Two other federal agents were in here  few hours ago."

" Do you remember what they look like" asked Dean wondering if other hunters have already got this case.

" Yes, it was a girl and a boy. The girl was tall with dark brown wavy hair and green eye. The guy had a little bit of an attitude. He looked a little young to be doing this, but I don't ask questions."

"Thank you that's very helpful. Do you mind telling us what you told them."

"Sure," the coroner told them everything and didn't leave out a single detail. Sam and Dean headed straight to the Midnight bite after that. They changed into their casual clothes so they could blend in. They only hoped they weren't to late.

MEANWHILE ..........................................................AT THE BAR

"So do you come here often" an older guy was flirting with Crystal at the bar while Ben was on the other side trying to look for anything suspicious.

Crystal twirled her hair and laughed trying to seem interested. "No I'm actual not from around here. I came here to get a break from my family."

"oh really. So you're here all alone" the guy came closer and started playing with her hair. Crystal was starting to feel unconvertible and tried to get away when someone from behind them grabbed the guys hand.

" NO ONE, I REPEAT, NO ONE TOUCHES MY NIECE LIKE THAT." Dean held the guys wrist tight. Sam grabbed Crystal and took her to the back and Ben followed along right behind them. They went into a room in the back. Crystal sat there silently with her arms folded across her chest while Sam and Dean just kept on staring at her.

It was deadly silent until Ben barged in and started yelling."What the hell was that. Crystal you weren't suppose to blow your cover like that." Crystal said nothing. She just gave Ben that stop talking look.

"What," he asked wondering why Crystal was starring at him like that.

"Tell them that" she said gesturing over to Sam and Dean who were listening the entire time. "Oh....yum...hi  guys. I didn't see you there."

"Yeah." Dean said breaking the tension." Can you explain to me why you two are at a bar dressed like that" he gestured to Crystal.

"Working a case. Same as you apparently" she snapped giving Dean a sour pus look.

"Dean can you take Ben out of here I want to talk to Crystal alone for a couple minutes." Dean and Ben left and  stood out the hall way, leaving Crystal and Sam in the room.

"You want to tell me what's going on Crystal, because this isn't like you."

"How would you know what I'm like. You haven't been in my life for long. I needed you once but now I don't. I can fight my own battles."

"By letting guys like that hit on you."

"By luring out the enemy and making the pack come to us."

"Pack ? " Crystal gave him the brief run down of why they were here and why she let that guy get so close to her. He understood the plan, but he didn't like the idea of using his daughter as bait. But in order to finish the case it had to be done. When they were done talking they called Dean and Ben back into the room to discuss the plan.

" So, we're all in an agreement" asked Sam.

"Yup" they said together.

"Alright let's go it." They headed back to the bar.

"You ready to do this" he asked Crystal hoping she would back out.

"Yeah I'm ready. I am a WINCHESTER after all. It's in my not so pure blood." Crystal walked over to the bar and continued flirting. Ben did the same thing, but on the other side of the bar. It was a quiet night and nobody suspicious came around.

"So are going to drink that all night" a young women sat next to Crystal at the bar. She had a little bit of a southern accent. She was in her mid 20s but looked like she's scene a lot in her life.

"Yeah, sorry I was just daydreaming. And you are ? " Crystal asked holding out her hand.

" I'm Jamie, and you ? "

" Crystal ."

"Well what is a pretty gem like you doing in a place like this ? "

" Trying to find Mr.Right."

"Follow me, I want to show you something." Crystal was so tired that she let her guard down and followed Jamie outside the bar. Sam and Dean didn't even notice, they were to busy having a drinking contest. And Ben was still flirting with the bartenders only he wasn't sober anymore.

" So why you bring me out her Jamie ? " Crystal asked not even noticing the black van. Her vision started getting blurry and her head hurt. " Jamie can you help me I don't feel good." Jamie just stood there and laughed.

"Well of course you don't. After having that powder in your drink." She reveled her fangs. Crystal tried to run but two vampires grabbed her from behind. She tried to struggle but it was pointless. She was physically exhausted. Before Crystal lost consciousness she notice she was in the black van being tied up. Blackness and nausea consumed her and she gave in.

" Nighty night Crystal, " Jamie laughed evilly.

"But what about the Winchesters" asked one of the other vamps.

"What about them ? "

" Aren't they going to come after us ? "

"NO! I know them, and they won't make a move if they know we have something precious of theirs. I mean I knew that they know each other, but I didn't expect them to be related. Now drive faster so they don't catch up to us." They sped on ahead only leaving behind nothing but miles between them.

Meanwhile.....................................Back at the bar

The alcohol started wearing off and Ben started finally coming to his senses. Ben looked around and tried to find Crystal, but there was no luck. He figured she was with Sam and Dean already disusing the case. He finally found Sam and Dean sitting at the bar. He slowly walked over to Sam and Dean who were surprisingly sober considering they just finished a drinking contest.

" Hey have you guys scene Crystal ? " Ben asked Sam and Dean.

"Nope I thought she was with you ? "

" I thought she was with you." Ben had a bad feeling about this. They all got up and rushed outside the back of the bar.

When they got out there they searched for Crystal, but couldn't find anything except for a pack of Big League Chew gum on the ground. "Crystals favorite " Ben said holding up the untouched pack.

" WHERE ARE YOU CRYSTAL " Ben yelled at the top of his lungs.

" WHERE ARE YOU CRYSTAL " Ben yelled at the top of his lungs

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TO BE CONTIUED .........................................................................

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