Celestin's Story

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Running, the forest flashing by, bits and pieces of a face. A flash of a silver eye, identical to mine, full lips that no man could resist, a shock of ice blue hair, with red tips, like fire and ice. She was beautiful, and I could tell I was seeing her through the eyes of a child, an infant. There was a letter in the basket with me. I could see a few chunks of it, and was surprised to find I could understand it. 'She is your daughter' a tree crashed down behind us. 'You must protect her, no matter the cost' blinding flashes of silver made the infant cry out, unhappy with the brightness and with being jostled around. 'She is unique, the only one of her kind' another tree, this one in our path, almost crushing us. 'One day, she will fulfill a higher purpose' guards were surrounding us. There was no way out. I couldn't see any faces, but I could tell they were angry. 'Give the child to us! You know interspecies conception is against the law. Hand her over for termination, or we will terminate you both. It's your choice.' But somehow, she got away from the angry men. She came to a house, and laid me down, basket and all in front of the heavy oak door. She knocked three times, a code. Then she ran. The door was opened by a woman with sharp features, and cold eyes. She regarded the child with disdain, and lifted the letter from the basket. The woman scanned it, and dropped it back into the basket with the child. 'Elysian!' She called into the small stone cottage. A graying man came running, asking what was wrong. Their argument faded as time skipped. There were flashes of happy times, times of distress, when the kind man, Elysian, would come home covered in cuts and bruises, and she would fix him, his highly intoxicated breath in her face. Then time stopped when the child was three. She glanced in the mirror, her silver eyes gleaming with joy, ice blue hair in braids, the red tips catching the light just so. Her new dress was freshly ironed, ready for Daddy to return from work on her third birthday. But instead of the present of a sober father, with a few wildflowers to decorate her pigtails with, she got a rude awakening. She had to grow up fast that day. A man in an army uniform looked at her with the look one might give a bug unfortunate enough to be stepped on, one that ruined a new pair of shoes forever. 'Are you Celestin Arias?' The girl nodded. Then, in the most bland, monotone voice, he recited his little speech. 'We at the church regret to inform you that your father, Elysian Arias has been killed in a fight at the local bar.' And he turned and left. Rage boiled inside me, and I watched as the man collapsed to the ground, twitching, then stilled. Gathering the courage, the girl walked out and saw his eyes were white, the color and pupil gone. He was dead, boiled alive. She ran back inside, to hide, hoping it was all just a bad dream, that she would wake up any minute to her Dad's smiling face, there to wipe her tears and reassure her everything was ok. But that wouldn't happen. After his funeral, her Mother turned her into a slave. 'Dearest Celestin, I cannot clean the fire pit anymore, for alas, I cannot bend properly. Be a dear and clean it for me? It would be what you father would've wanted. For you to help your elderly mother that has raised you so.' And of course, whenever she used the excuse of it being what her father wanted, Celestin couldn't refuse.
I woke, covered in sweat. I knew that girl was me, but i always wondered who that woman in the beginning was. Today, Mom and my sisters were going shopping, so I had to work hard to get the chores done, and dinner on the table by the time they got home. I rolled out of bed, if you could even call it a bed. Entering the kitchen, I knew they had already left. Good. Now I have the house to myself. I took out the music device I had gotten from an alternate dimension, I put in the headphones and got to work, cranking up the music. A few hours in, the device died, and I left it in my room. I got back to scrubbing the stairs, humming the tune to the song 'Total Eclipse of the Heart'. There was a knock at the door. 'I wonder who it is? Mom, Lourdia, and Chayil shouldn't be back yet.' I stood and made my way to the door. Opening the heavy wooden frame, I couldn't believe who I was seeing. I couldn't help but stare as King Satan stood before me, in all his glory. "Ah, Celestin, finally we meet face to face. You're even more beautiful in person. Now, I'm sure you know who I am. I have come to take you from this miserable place, and treat you the way you should be, like royalty." I could only stand there, dumbfounded. He had only brought one guard with him, his second in command Alciel. Alciel looked at me with disgust, as if I had a disease because I was human. "Lord Satan is speaking to you. It would do you good to listen and obey" while my mind snapped out of its stupor, my body wouldn't listen. "R-royalty?" I stuttered out, not believing my ears. "Yes, my dear Cele. Your mother was one of the high ranking members of my court, and now, you will return with me to your birthright, as my queen." I blinked a few times, not sure I heard him right. "But my mother is just a simple peddler's wife. And why would you want me for your queen? There are so many more eligible girls, prettier girls, than me." I was so confused by the idea that a king would single me out of everyone else. I was not afraid, however my body may say otherwise. I was in awe. I had known I was different, from the time that soldier of the church came and died in front of me. That was my fault, and from then on, I made sure to keep my temper in check. Satan grabbed my arm, and led me outside. "Let's go. You don't have to hide your true form anymore. Let your wings unfold." I looked at him, everything he said making me more and more confused. "But I-I don't have any wings. I'm human..." Now it was his turn to look confused. He turned to Alciel. "The child does not know? Her father never told her?" But then a look that said he remembered something crossed his face, after seeing my look of sadness. "That's right. Sorry. Well, let's go then." He took me to a carriage, with four jet black stallions, bucking wildly at the air. I reached my hand out, and the one closest to me reared back, preparing to kick my face in. I could hear Satan's surprise and fear when he gasped, and I could only imagine his face. I didn't dare take my eyes off the horses, because then they would attack. I set my hand on his muzzle, and he calmed down. He settled on his front hooves, then bowed. "He knows." Was all I heard from behind me. I was led to the door of the intricate carriage, and we sat in the open cabin. Alciel took a seat in the front, to control the horses. On the ride there, Satan tried to hold a conversation, but all I wanted to do was sleep. "These four are my best horses. You can ride any of them anytime you like. The one you pet, that bowed for you, his name is Marrhoung, and the other three are Enosch, Gérard, and Frestinë. You know, Marrhoung never acts like that. You are very lucky." He smiled and I just shivered. The fear of my own powers gripped my heart, making me shiver uncontrollably. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders, draping his heavy silk and satin cape across my back, and over my chest. He pulled my head against his shoulder so I was leaning on him, and he started to stroke my hair gently, like my father used to do. I blinked several times, trying to fight off sleep. We got to the castle very quickly, and landed on one of the balconies. Satan made his way across the floor of the open air throne room, and sat in the huge throne. Just as he did this, a form came streaking in, and hit the floor hard, tumbling a few times before sliding to a stop at my feet. His violet hair was caked with blood from the war going on outside, and his right wing was severed almost to the main bone from the point where it connected to his back all the way to the tip. Our eyes connected for a second and I felt something. It was like our souls connected, and I could feel his pain. There was a burning pain in my back, as well as across the top of my left eye. His face softened a little as he saw mine tighten in pain. But I refused to scream out. I went to him, and felt something drop behind me. I knelt down next to him, and gathered his wing in my hands, holding it gently, even though I could tell it hurt. I didn't understand what was happening. It seemed like everything he felt, I felt as if it were my own pain. "Hold still. I might be able to help you. It's Lucifer, right?" He nodded, and a searing pain raced along my back from the simple movement, and I could see he felt it too. I gathered my strength, and almost dropped his wing in surprise when a dark violet glow appeared around my hands. I watched as tendrils reached out, almost like fingers, gently caressing the ragged edges of his torn wing. After a sharp intake of breath, he relaxed as the skin began to mend itself, the feathers regrowing a little. As I mended, he spoke. "My lord. They have killed everyone from my army, and ran me out. The hero Emilia was tracking me. Gah!" He called out as the skin reformed. But before he could get another word out, there was a sound similar to metal scraping against concrete. I was thrown back with someone's magic, and when I stood to look, a white haired warrioress was standing on top of Lucifer, brandishing a sword, right above his back, between his shoulder blades. "NO!" I called out, standing to run at her. But a figure blocked my path. "Stay back. She doesn't seem to be interested in you." Satan spoke behind him, at me, watching Emilia intently. "But we have to help him! He's one of your head generals, is he not?" I argued. But he just shook his head firmly. I tried to get around him, but he continued to block my path. The sword came down, and both Lucifer and I screamed in pain. I collapsed to the ground, unable to hold myself up any longer, and I could no longer see Lucifer or the hero. Tears streamed down my face as I felt him dying. I could see the light fading from his eyes as if he were right in front of me. I screamed again as she twisted the blade in his back, cutting off his cries, but extending my agony. I almost thought my heart was going to give out, with the full force of the pain. But it didn't. A few seconds later, Satan moved and knelt beside me, making sure I was ok. But I wasn't, and I wouldn't be ever again. When his cape shifted, I could see Lucifer's body, and I threw up. His eyes were wide open, his mouth twisted in an agonized scream. His hand reached toward me, as if he were begging me to help him. I couldn't move, couldn't speak. I just sat there, staring. I didn't even understand what had happened between us, but I knew there was was a spark. A hand rested on my shoulder, and when I didn't look to see who it belonged to, that hand force me to look into the blood red eyes of Satan. When my eyes actually focused, he released me and turned to Alciel. "We need to get him out of here. And call for the wedding planners. I will make this child my queen. As soon as possible." His words shocked me out of my stupor. "Why didn't you save him? Why didn't you stop her?" I shouted in his face. However. He walked right past me, seemingly ignoring me. But then he spoke to me, his back still to me so i couldn't see his expression. Though his words were harsh, his voice was gentle, as if he was just as shaken by Lucifer’s death as I was. "Because he was new to my army. If he was to stay, he had to fend her off himself. Anyone who can't take a simple hero sure doesn't belong in My elite army. He was disposable." His words, and the way he said them, as if trying to be angry to hold back tears, made me angry, more so than when the guard of the church had come to tell me, with no emotions whatsoever, that my father was killed. All I could see was red, and I ran at Satan. I knew, being human, that I had no chance against him, but my feral instincts took over, and I couldn't stop myself. He grinned darkly. I jumped, trying to take him on from above, but I felt a sharp tug behind me, and I was pulled out of the air. I was confused, and turned to see what his magic had taken hold of. And there were a pair of raven black wings, iridescent and they shimmered when I twirled. I was fascinated, and had almost forgotten about what had gone on, until I tripped over His body. Rigor mortis had set in, and he didn't even shift in the slightest when I did. I heard Satan yell at Alciel, screaming "I told you to get rid of him!" And Alciel apologized and backed away slowly, glaring at me as if it was my fault. "Wait. I wish to have a burial ceremony for him, if that's ok." I asked, hesitantly. He looked at me like I was crazy for even suggesting it. "If you truly wish to marry me, to make me happy, then let me do this. It doesn't feel right to just dump him somewhere. He deserves a proper burial. He was one of your head generals, right?" Satan sighed, but nodded. "Fine. But you'd better make it quick. I don't have time for trivial things as such." He turned and started walking away. "Oh, and Alciel, I want you to help her. She won't be strong enough to lift him on her own."
*A Few Days Later*
It was the day we were to be married. I dreaded every second. I hadn't been able to get Lucifer from my mind. I thought burying him would put my thoughts of him to rest as well, but I was wrong. The girls getting me ready watched me with looks of pity and sympathy, and I couldn't help asking myself, 'Is this going to be my execution, instead of my wedding? Aren't they supposed to be looking a me, happy for me?' But I didn't voice my concerns aloud. Finally, I was done, and I glanced in the mirror. I was slimmer, no wait, that's too nice of a word for it. I had lost so much weight, I'm surprised I didn't just fly off at the slightest draft. I looked like I was a corpse, and the dark makeup didn't help that very much. The dress was beautiful, the lace forming tiny butterflies across the skirt, with moon shaped beading across the bodice. It was very slim fitting, and caught the light as I breezed past the mirror. I was a sight to behold. The white roses mixed with chrysanthemums gave off such a powerful aroma, I couldn't smell anything else. All too soon it was time to walk down the aisle. When I got there, all I could think about was how my father would react to this. I hadn't know him well, what with his drinking problems that had ultimately led to his untimely death on my third birthday, but all I could see was his disapproving glare. Every time I glanced into the audience he was there, saying without words 'You have disgraced me. You are too young to be wed.' But I couldn't help it. No one would ever dare say no to King Satan even if they could. I got to the altar, and got the ceremony done with. I had survived. For now. But I had no idea what the future would bring for me. Especially if he ever found out I couldn't forget Lucifer. He would forever be a part of me I could never let go of, because I never got to know him enough, and would always have questions about the type of person he would've been.
*a couple of months later*
A few months had past, and the longing for the man I could never have, had faded to a dull ache to the back of my mind. But it was ever-present. At least Satan seemed to love me. He had dresses custom made each day, although he knew I favored jeans and my hoodie, the last thing I had from my old life. He always made sure I had fresh roses scattered across my room, their fragrant aroma always filling every corner. And he never questioned those days I would disappear for a few hours with no notice or request to do so. He understood I needed my privacy. Some of those times I would vanish, I would go to visit His grave and I would talk to him as if he could hear me and respond. Other times, I went to the other realm. I felt normal there, where demons and angels were mythology and stories. There, I didn't feel the pressure of being royalty, the crushing fear of doing something wrong and being ridiculed, or worse. Today, as I was sitting in the throne room, draped across his lap, tracing circles on his leg, I almost wished I had decided to leave today. It was calm and peaceful, until the silence was shattered by the Hero, Emilia, crashing into the room. "My lord, you must go. I will fight her. I'm sure she's here for you." I whispered, knowing he heard me. "What business do you have for being here. I haven't done anything yet today. Or anytime recently for that matter." He called to her, as if not hearing me. In response, she drew her sword. "I am not here for you. It is her I came for." She indicated me. I stood, glaring at her. "And what would you need me for, Hero? Need some crime committed you don't wish to stain your not-so-spotless hands with?" I snarled. She dropped into a defensive crouch. "I came to talk. It would be smart if you wouldn't insult me, Your Highness." She called, sarcastically. I drew my own sword and stood, casually, the blade aimed at the floor, but ready. "Ok. Let's talk." She looked taken aback that I was so open to talking to her. "Sire, I think you should go, let us have a little girl time, if you know what I mean." He nodded, and left the room, leaving us to do as we pleased. "So, Hero, what is it you wish to talk about?" She looked thoughtful as she paced around the room. "You know, this throne room could look so much better if you just cleaned in here..." She trailed off, looking at the bloodstain from that night, still darkening the onyx marble, and I looked at her, confounded. This was the same hero that had taken my Lucifer away from me? "Is this all you came to do, to insult My Lord? And we like it this way. It truly puts on an aura of fear for our... guests..." She turned. "Why do you put up with him? You know how to fight, don't you? Why don't you just end the suffering of everyone here, save Ente Isla? You could be a Hero, like me" That was it. I couldn't take anymore of her nonsense. I slipped into my fighting stance, and watched as she shifted gracefully into hers, like a cat on the prowl. We both ran forward, swords colliding in a flash of light. The darkest moonlight against the brightest dawn. The clang of our weapons reverberated throughout the castle. Flying guards soon gathered to watch the spectacle, and the door slammed open, Satan walking in. Our swords were locked and I turned to speak to him, not letting up. "My Lord, you have to stay out of this! I can take her, no pro-" She cut me off as the blades slid, and hers caught my side, tearing through my silken dress and drawing blood. She stood panting, and wiped her brow. "I offer you the world and you turn me down? Then you shall fall like your precious King." She ran, aiming for me, going for the killing blow. But a wind swept through the room, sliding her back. "You will leave my wife alone. I will not have you hurt her." I stood on shaky legs, and yelled at her retreating form "I will never betray the one who saved me, when your precious Church left me to be enslaved!" When she disappeared over the edge, I collapsed, falling into the awaiting arms of My Lord. "I-I'm s-so sor-..." He cut me off. "It is no matter. Rest now. We'll deal with her later."

word count: 3756 words

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2019 ⏰

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