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staring into his eyes for a moment, her breath gets caught in her throat. he's asking to walk her to class and carry her books? this can't possibly be happening.

but it is. flickering her eyes from his face to the hallway where she was heading, she agrees. "o-okay."

he gives her one of his rare, breath-taking smiles and nods to her. "lead the way."

the walk to her next class was an awkward one. neither of them knew what to say, but both of them secretly didn't want the other to leave their side. but, their arrival to their destination came sooner than they would have liked, meaning they will have to part ways.

softly, she thanks him. he waves it off, carefully placing her books into her arms and lightly grazing her hand as he does so. her heart skips a beat. from just that small touch, he affected her.

"th-thank you again," she says, bowing before slipping into her class. in the corner, she sees bokuto immediately look up, waving at the boy behind her. akaashi sighs, but waves back nonetheless, making (y/n) giggle at his annoyed expression.

his ears perk up, and his gaze rests on her amused eyes. her hands are blocking her smile though, and he wants nothing more than to remove them from her face and see the beautiful tilt of her lips.

bokuto, being obvious as always, shoots akaashi a grin and a thumbs up. (y/n) notices this little exchange (since bokuto wasn't exactly secretive about it). although she is hoping that their tiny gestures were proof that akaashi held even a tiny bit of interest towards her romantically, she doesn't want to get her hopes up.

He couldn't possibly..

It sucks having no self-confidence. she's trying, but it's hard when you're ordinary, having nothing special to separate you from others. why would akaashi like her when there's a prettier, more interesting, more fun girl in his class?

god, i'm not even in the same grade. the chances of him liking her, in her eyes, are slim to none. they have no classes together, and the only time they see each other is either in the hallway or during those rare after school moments when she stops by the gymnasium during his volleyball practice.

he couldn't like her. it didn't seem realistic.

but, maybe that's because she doesn't notice the longing stares in the hallway.

with her back towards him, she couldn't possibly know that she is all he can think about lately.

"(yyyy/nnnn)," her best friend whines, nudging (y/n) with her elbow. "talk to the guy already."

she wants to —god, she wants to— but she has no idea how. "i just.. want to get to know him," she admits, sticking strands of hair behind her ear and holding her textbooks closer to her chest.

"then, become his friend, (y/n)," her friend says and sighs.

"i'm too interested in him. how can i act normally when my heart races just being in the same room as him?" she questions aloud, giving up entirely.

friendship? how can she be a proper friend that he would want to spend time with if she can't even make direct eye contact with him?

"we can work on it. you'll get better, i promise," (friend's name) says, patting (y/n)'s shoulder twice. "the first step is to talk to him, though."

"yeah..." she sighs, looking over towards him. he's shoving food into his mouth as he listens carefully to bokuto's rambles.

he eats so much. why do i find that attractive? she watches as he slowly licks his fingers. the action makes her feel weird, but when he randomly brings his eyes up to hers, she automatically looks away, seeming super suspicious.

"oh, fuck."


"nothing." my crush just saw me staring at him. no biggie. but, that's a lie. she's actually dying inside from embarrassment. "just... have no idea what to do about this."

"well, lucky for you, i have a plan," (friend's name) squeals, grabbing her best friend's arm and pulling her in the direction of akaashi. "operation get-akaashi-to-notice-you has begun!"

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