Chapter 33

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Chapter Thirty-Three:

I put my pen down as I heard the buzzer go and got up from the desk in my studio. I made my way to the small security room located at the front of the house, avoiding boxes that were scattered around the hall.

My heart sunk a little, Kimberley's car flashing up on the screen which was linked to cameras at the front gate. Pressing the button, I calmed myself. "Hello..."

"It's Kimberley," she answered, smiling into the camera.

"Right, two minutes," I told her, waiting until the gates had opened and she had drove in.

The morning after my 'little outburst' had been terrible. I had been riddled with guilt ever since, dwelling on the awful words I had said to her.

She turned up at my door holding a bottle of wine. Her face was framed by her luscious blonde locks, make up done to perfection and a tight fitting dress clung to her amazing figure.

"Kimberley, how are you?" I smiled, eyeing up her choice of alcohol, shaking my head disapprovingly. "I'm off the booze," I joked. "I turned onto a right b*tch the last time I had a few."

She let out a throaty giggle. "I heard it does that to some people," she winked.

Somewhere in between laughing and smiling at her easiness to forgive, I stepped to the side. "Come in," I told her.

"I've not unpacked everythin'," I nodded towards the boxes.

"I see you went with the modern house then?"

Leading her into the kitchen, I turned briefly. "Aye, couldn't be bothered havin' to renovate and stuff," I admitted, even the thought of it made my mind swirl. "I wouldn't have the time. Cup of tea?"

She laughed and placed the wine down onto the table. "Tea is good."

I could feel her eyes on me as I switched on the kettle, making me wish I had made a bit more of an effort, instead of opting for a pair of jeans and a simple vest top. She looked gorgeous and I, quite frankly, looked like sh*t. "Sorry, if I had known you were goin' to dress up I would have done the same," I mumbled whilst reaching for the sugar tin.

"You look great," she quickly replied, her hand touching my hip, making me jump.


"Sh*t! I didn't mean to give you a scare."

I winced in pain, my skin burning as the boiling hot water scalded my skin. "Me f*ckin' hand!"

"God! I'm so sorry," she apologized, her face crumbling. It was my fault really, I was nervous with having her in my home.

"No babe, don't worry about it," I started as she guided me over to the sink. "It wasn't your fault."

She didn't reply, instead she ran the cold water, placing my hand cautiously under the steady flow, her other hand gently rubbing my lower back.

"It's really ok you know," I repeated, sensing her emotions were about to take over. And that was what set her off, tears welling up in those beautiful eyes of hers. "Aww... babe, come on. It wasn't your fault."

"I shouldn't of..."

"You shouldn't of touched me?" I cut in, trying to get across how stupid it sounded. "I'm fine look..." Holding my reddened hand out, I smiled. "A few painkillers and I'll be right as rain."

The tears kept flowing, her vulnerability showing. Reaching for the dishcloth, I dried my hands before leading her over to the kitchen table and sitting her down. "Kimberley..." I said, leaning down to meet her eye level. "I'm sorry for what I said to you."

"That's nothin' compared to what I..."

"That doesn't even matter anymore."

She looked at me, sighing to herself. "It does, though."

I shook my head and took hold of both her hands, ignoring the pain. "It really doesn't, and I realise that now. You didn't sell the story, did you?"

"No. And after that ni..." She stopped mid sentence, her cheeks rosying.

"That night," I finished, holding my nerve.

She nodded. "Well, I just couldn't. And you have to believe me when I say, I had no intentions what so ever of getting a kiss and tell."

"I know babe," I sniffed, my own emotions getting the better of me. "I was drunk."

She went quiet as she took the cloth from me, wrapping it round my hand. "What if you get drunk again? We'll never be friends, will we?"

I paused, looking up and into her pleading eyes. She was obviously sorry for her actions and the complete three-sixty she had done supported my suspicions that she didnt want to get back into the media. "We can start fresh, wipe the slate clean."

"We can?"

"We can," I assured, gripping her hands tighter. "Forget we ever crossed paths before tonight?"

She let out a giggle, tears still streaming from her eyes. "I'd like that."

Before leaning forward to give her a hug, I wiped the tears from under her eyes. "So..." I winked. "What's your name?"

"Kimberley... but you can call me Kimba."

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