I Now Know Why

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September 14, 7th grade
It was the competition to sell the most Girl Scout cookies. It was my troop vs
troop #297.
We were in the lead all I had to now was sell to one last house for
the automatic win. But the problem was, it was the father
of a girl on the other troop.
I built up the courage to knock on the door.
I saw another girl from the other troop starting to come up to the house.
I ran.
Our troop was going to win the competition.
She was about 50 feet away from me so I had a chance.
They opened the door and said they wanted to buy cookies.
The man bought thin mints, my personal fave, and we had won.
The girl was just standing there, looking like she was going to cry.
Little did I know she was the daughter of that man,
and my current bully.

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