it's a long story

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day 2 after the auditions... yesterday was crazy I couldn't believe that we are in,

yes, I walked right to Ashton's room, I didn't even knocked the door,  coz there is no need for that,  when I opened the door I saw him holding something in his hands and he hides it so fast,

"what is that? ! " I asked looking at him widely

"nnnnnnothing, " he answered with a nervous face

"mmm, , okay anyways,  I want to ask you something" I said sitting on the bed next to him,

" shoot" he replied with worried face.

"Do you think that there is something between Daniel and my brother ?!, coz he keeps taking care of her in a weird way" I said wondering

"hmmmmmmm, let me check" he said getting

" are you going to his room to ask him?!" I asked

" you'll see you'll see. .." he said closing the room's door. I was wondering what he will do but I'll wait I won't agree if there is something between them two,,, no not like thatm but I can't imagine my brother and my best friend, hhhh no no no. it is weird.



I opened Luke room's door sighing " can I get in? !" " sure " he answered

so Calm and Michael was in the room..

" Hello dude" Calm said smiling

" hey" I said setting on the couch

"so what you guys were doing? !" I asked

"Not much just waiting for you to come and sit with us" Michael sighs

" haaaaa okay,  Luke let me ask you something" I said

"w-wwwwwwhat?!" Luke said worried

"who is the one? !"

Luke " what do you mean by that? !"

Michael " he means that who is the one who owns your heart"

me " apsalotly "

Luke " ooooooooooooooh"

Calm " come on man tell us who is this Lucky girl? ! who,  who,  who"

then the door opend and Laury came out sighing " yeah please brother tell us please" and she sat next to him...

" you know guys that there is no one in my life now I didn't date for a very very very long time ago...." he answered cheekily

"Nooooooooo, Luke not this time" Michael said Laughing

" Nooooooo I'm telling the truth" he said with a totally red face

" Bro we know when you lie so go ahead and tell us,  we are not gonna leave you until you tell us everything" I said looking at him seriously

" fine there is a girl" he said quality smiling

Laury " who? who! who? tell me tell me"

Luke " calm down sis I'm not gonna tell YOU!!"

Calm " Us?!"

Luke " you guys yes, but Laury No"

Michael " so get out of here Laur"

Laury " he is my brother and he is going to tell me "

Luke " noooooo way"

then Laury makes a sadly face and tried to cry....

Luke " fine, fine, Ammmmmmmmmm, D-Daniel! !!"

" WHAT? !?! " Laury said with a shocked face

" yes WHAT" Michael completed

"yessss " Luke replied

" since when man?!" I asked

"ammmmm since forever" he answered

" and why you didn't tell us?!"

" she was taken,  so that's why I didn't date anyone" Luke sighs with a sad note,

" but it can't be happen" Laury sighs inna weirdly note

"I can love who ever I want,  I can't stop loving her or thinking of her I waited for her so many times bu5 the only thing that stops me was You"? he sighs angry adding " oh yeah and remember that you are dating one of my best friends,  so shut up"

she seemed sad and said " you are right I'm sorry "

Luke " it's okay" and he huged her and kissed her cheeks, ohhhh they looked sweet,

"sooo she knows about that " Calm asked

" I don't know maybe, but I kissed her"

" what you kissed her and you don't know if she loves you,  maaaan your Luke Hemmings, every single girl in this world wants you sooo I'm going to tell her" I said getting down,  all of them followed me So do Luke he was sighing " hey, please don't don't "

" DAAAAAAANNNN my loooooooove, " I said putting my hands on her shoulders

and Calm did the same completing " do you know that making someone wait for a loooooooong time waiting is bad"



what they were talking about? ! I didn't understand anything, 

I looked at everyone's face they all were smiling except Luke he was sooooo nervous

"w-what do you 8 by that? ! " I said looking at Calm with a scared face

then Michael stood in a front of me and said " we are trying to tell you here that Luke is in love with you from a loooooooooooooooooooooooooong long time ago"

WHAT I was shocked,  woooow and about to pass out, did he said that Luke Hemmings is In Love with me from along time woooow

" really? !' I said looking at Luke's red face,

" yeah and I think that you two are gonna make a great couple, plus I don't want another bitch to date my hot brother...." Laury sighs smiling

"well, amm whaaaaat weee haaaave to do?!" I said cheekily

" Daniel, I'm gonna say it now,  haaaaaaah, would you go out with me ?!!" Luke sighs getting closer to me

then I looked at everyone in the room they were nodding and I smiled sighing " why not ?!"

" woooooooooooooooooow aromatic seen" the others said clapping

anf they started to say " Kiss, kiss, Kiss, kiss , kiss........" I got Closer to luke enough to meet his nose touring his soooft full lips uhhhhh I love this guy, then they all clipped happily and Luke looked at me he smile  sighing " my life is complete now "


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