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That's all Dipper thought to do. The monster behind him, laughing in his sickly manor. His high-pitched, shrill, voice bounced off the walls. His voice echoing from every corner. Looking behind him, Dipper saw his eyes. His deep, crimson, eyes, laced with pure insanity and a lust for blood. Human blood. He ran around, throwing things around to slow down that murderer. Murderer. That word echoed through Dipper's head as he continued to run. His breath was in short, shallow gasps for air. Dipper knew that if he where to stop, that the thing would catch up to him. He betrayed us, Dipper thought

He ran around, then finally spotted them. "Mable- Toast! Run!" He shrieked as laughing came from behind him, as a knife flew past his head. His sister and the raven-haired man turned and ran, looking for a possible exit. Dippers legs screamed in pain, as he fell. He turned to see a now bloodied knife sticking out of his leg. He screamed in pure agony as the phsycopath slowly came up to him. The murderers smile gotten bigger when Dipper whimpered in both pain and fear. "Awe, whats wrong? Are you scared of lil' ol' me?" The man asked insanely. His crimson orbs seemed to glow in the dark hallway. "Burn in Hell where you belong, Ghost! You didn't only betray me, but you also betrayed Mable and Toast! Why are you attacking us?" Dipper screamed.

The murderer looked taken aback. He didn't expect this from a victim of his. The murderer smiled even more, "Oh, Dipper. Poor, innocent, Dipper," he concluded, "Ghost is gone, now. The names Casket. Jimmy Casket. I'm gonna put ya in a Casket, cause my name's Jimmy Casket!" He laughed like this was all a cruel joke that was pulled on Dipper. He bent down to Dippers height. Grabbing the hilt of his knife, he yanked it out of Dipper's leg with great force. Dipper screamed in pure agony as more blood seeped from his deep wound. He looked at Casket, as the red-eyed killer brought his knife uf and stabbed it in Dipper's torso, then brought it back up as he kept stabbing Dipper.

As Dipper screamed, and Casket kept yelling "Stab, stab, stab!" or, "Blood, blood, blood!" Dipper saw black fade through his vision, but before he lost consciousness, he saw Toast, wielding a baseball bat, strike the murderer in the head with great force, that the murderer was thrown off of Dipper. Dipper felt Mable's arms wrap around him. "Don't worry, Bro-Bro." She muttered, "We'll get you to safety." 

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