Name: Clark Miura Nickname: Fallen Age: 20 Gender: Male Sexuality: Bi Personality: People-oriented and fun-loving. Makes things more fun for others by their enjoyment, good at getting others to have fun. Outgoing, social, group oriented. Does not like to be alone, feels at ease around others. Talkative, open, can be touchy feely. Values relationships and family over intellectual pursuits. Interested in serving others. Likely to be the center of attention in social situations. Living for the moment, loves new experiences. Well-developed common sense and practical ability. Conventional, modest. Likes to dance, spontaneous. Underachieving. At times unprepared. Values organized religion. Suggestible. Easy to impress. Not analytical. Disorganized. Emotional. Prone to crying. Happy. Trusts others. Can be influenced more by others than self. Feels the emotions of others.. Guided by moods. Appearance:
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Likes: (find out) Dislikes: (once more find out) Element: Shadow/ Darkness HTATEP: (Unknown) BackStory: (unknown aka I'm to lazy) PassWord: Fire ––—————————— Name: Marian Striker Nickname: None Age: 20 Gender: Male Sexuality: Bi Personality: Independent, original, analytical, and determined. Loner, more interested in intellectual pursuits than relationships or family, not very altruistic, not very complimentary. Would rather be friendless than jobless. Observer who values solitude. Detached. Private. Not much fun, hidden. Tends not to like most people. Socially uncomfortable, not physically affectionate, does not talk about feelings. Suspicious of others. Can be lonely. Can be insensitive or ambivalent to the misfortunes of others. Responsible. Orderly, clean, and organized. Perfectionist. Has very high standards for their performance and the performance of others. Natural leaders, but will follow if they trust existing leaders. Value knowledge, competence, and structure. Long-range thinker. Has an exceptional ability to turn theories into solid plans of action. Analytical. Skeptical. Tends not to value organized religion. Punctual. Finisher. Prepared. Not spontaneous. Unhappy. Rarely shows anger. Hard to impress. Tends to be pessimistic. Prone to discontentment. Does not think they are weird, but others do. Appearance:
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Yet he wears
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He also has a weapon
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Likes: (find out) Dislikes: (once more find out) Element: Fire HTATEP: (unknown) BackStory: (unknown aka I'm to lazy) PassWord: Fire