Chapter 1

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The morning sun slanted through the window, tiny specks of dust were visible, they were like dainty little fairies dancing in the air. As always, when my alarm went, i woke up in my aesthetic bed with fairy lights and some pictures with my bestfriend hanging on the wall.

Its the first day of the summer break and i've already planned everything that i was gonna do during the break, going to the beach, skydiving, hanging out with my bestfriend...... .Okay anyway, i got dressed, wash up and went down for breakfast.

"Hey mira" i said before even looking at who is the one calling me. "Areeee u excited for summer? Because i am ! " i stood up and paced back and forth the hallway, this is what i usually do everytime when im on my phone, well its a habit .

"Well, im so so so so sorry Diana, my family went on to plan a travel trip to France last minute, im sorry, i cant hang out with you anymore for this summer " i could feel the sadness and sorrow in her speaking tone. " Its alright, you know i've always wanna learn swimming and i thought maybe this summer will be a good time for me to learn it" trying really hard to not sound shaky when i talk. After which we hang up and i sat there for a solid 10 minutes looking at the blank wall not knowing what to do, because all my plans are messed up now. I looked at the half eaten toast and gave up on finishing it, i went straight up to my room .

I look around my room trying to reach out to grab my favorite unicorn plushie, i hugged it and tried not to cry even though i feel that my tears were about to gush out any moment . My summer is gonna be ruined now, without mira, this summer break wouldnt be of any meaning, i thought to myself .

My phone buzzed, and there was a new notification, someone added me on my instachat. I went to requested to follow him to see who he is and not long enough he accepted and messaged me .


James : Hey

Hello ? Who are u ? : You

James : oh well let me introduce myself, my name is James Creighton and im 17 years old, i live in England, London. What about u ?

Umm, oh hello James, nice to meet you, : You
but who are u ? Do i know u ?

James : I dont think u know me nor i know u
but like after u introduced yourself then
we know each other .

Oh um okay, i think its not gonna : You
harm anyway hahaha

My name is Diana Hemmings and im 16 : You
I live in the United States

James : wow u have a pretty name just like u,
and wow the United States cool !

Hahaha thank you, since u know how : You
I look, lets be fair, u sent me a selfie of
yourself so i know how u look like

James : okay okay sure hahahah

: *selfie of himself*

Oh my god, u look cute as heck, didnt : You
expect it at all

James : i'll take that as a compliment anyways XD

Hahahaha okay anything : You


Wow, i gasped, did i just spoke to a cute guy ? But anyway put that aside, without mira so how am i gonna exactly plan out a exciting summer trip, rubbing my fingers on my temples, i used all my brain cells to think of a brilliant idea to keep myself entertained for this summer break, but i just couldn't think of one .

I sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2017 ⏰

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