My Twisted Truth

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16 years ago

The sisters were looking at the water in the glass.

“This world needs more magic,” the first twin, Mayhem, said.

“Let us give it some then. In a new form,” the second twin, Mystique said.

“Okay, how about we turn a female baby and three male babies into tigers,” Mayhem laughed. “Not that they deserve the burden, but some people are just destined to be screwed.”

“Excellent idea sister!” The two began to weave a tapestry. One white stripe, one golden stripe, one black stripe, and one orange stripe. They didn't complement each other, but then again, they weren't supposed to.

“The female will hate them all with a passion. Only when their quest is completed will she fall in love. However, if something doesn't work out, the girl is free to do as she pleases,” Mystique said.

“Not that anything will go wrong!” Mayhem said with glee.


Later that night, Mystique walked up to the threads. She loosened them, just a little bit, and then smiled happily.  "I guess something will go wrong after all, Mayhem," she whispered to herself.


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