Chapter 2

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I know, I'm terrible at updating.  I have a lot to do, but I will try to update as much as I can!  I think I will just be staying in Seraphina's POV for now.


After leaving the hot idiots behind, I turn into my first class of the day, Science. Disgusting. Walking to my seat in the back all alone at a table for four, I notice that everyone abruptly stops talking. Turning sharp eyes toward the front of the room, I see them. The world class idiots. Ren, Donovan, and Nimer. Donovan catches my eye and flashes me a cheeky grin.

In response, my eyes burn holes into his head.

Mr. Castello walks in. Or should I say Mr. Craptastic. He scowls at the class and introduces the hotti- IDIOTS. That's all they are, and that's all they ever will be. “Class, this is Ren, Nimer, and Donovan,” he says, pointing to Nimer, Donovan, and then Ren. They don't bother to correct him. “How about you boys go sit at the back table with Seraphina.”

I stare at them, unwelcoming. In response, they start to walk to my table.

“Hey sweetheart,” Nimer says.


Hey, sweetheart,” My dad croons, lifting me up in the air. I remember everything. I had just been cursed. I was only a child.

I laugh. Feeling so much love, I only do what is natural with all that emotion. I change.

My dad, drops my tiger self, looking horrified. “I have a daughter who's a monster!” His eyes roll back in his head

Days later, my dad shoots my mom, and then himself. It was all my fault. What did I do to deserve that?


I allow sadness to show in my eyes for one second. Was Ren watching me? I automatically stiffen. “If you ever call me that again, I will rip your head off of your shoulders.”

Nimer laughs. “Sorry sweetheart.”

Ren stares at Nimer. “Don't call her that,” he says, dead serious. Nimer looks surprised, but agrees.

I see red.  “I can take care of myself,” I growl.

This is going to be a long science class.


At lunch, I go to the library. I see the idiots in the hall flirting with the typical cheerleaders. Ugh. As I pass them, I knock my shoulder into the shoulder who's flirting with Ren. I don't know why, I just did.

I've gone to the library for lunch every day in high school. It's like a tradition. Looking through the books, I see one about myths.

Pulling it off of the shelf, I open it to the table of contents. There is a whole section on tiger myths. Maybe this can tell me about me. It probably won't happen, but I've been searching for something that can tell me about what I am for the longest time.

Flipping to the tiger myths, I read all of them with nothing to show for my efforts. Reading the last one, I take a sharp breath.

There were once two sisters named Mayhem and Mystique. They cast a curse on a female baby and three male babies. These babies were destined to grow up with half human, half tiger forms.

The female girl would be a white tiger. The boys would be black, golden, and orange tigers. Looking at the boys, their hair symbolizes what color tiger they are.

These tiger humans are never meant to meet, and if they do, God help the world, because they will be the only ones that can save us all.

The page was decorated with a female and three males with indistinct faces, and tigers under them. Under that, there's a passage in Latin. I look at the words, recognizing one of them.

Seraphinus. That's my name in Latin. I look farther down the passage. Attero. That's the only other word that I know in Latin. It means destroy.

Reading over the passage again, I think of Ren, Nimer, and Donovan. Their hair. Their energy, They must be like me.


After school, I roam the halls, looking for the other tigers.

I see them about to leave and corner them.

“I know what you are,” I say fiercely.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2014 ⏰

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