Chapter 2

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"Is that Miss.Lucy?"

"Ahhhhh! She's so pretty!"

"Miss.Lucy can I have your autograph? And a picture too please!"

"Sure thing." She smiled to those who approached her. She was walking to the guild but it seems like she become very famous now.

What happened in three years that I'm gone?

"You know what, looking at her in this distance makes you look like a perverted stalker, man." I went stiff for a moment and looked behind me. There standing Gajeel in his crew cut and Gray topless.

"What the hell---How did you know I'm here?!" I just got back in Ishgar last night and checked in the hotel near Magnolia. I got here for an hour ago.

"It's nice seeing you again too..." Gray paused for a moment then using his thumb he pointed to Gajeel "I went to Gajeel's place because Levy forgot her bag in our house while checking on Juvia, I saw him walking going here and he said that he smelled you." My eyebrows furrowed.

"Wait? What? I don't get it. You went to Gajeel's house because Levy forgot something while visiting Juvia---? I was gone for three years man, Kindly fill me with some information here?"

"We're married." They said in unison.

"Ah okay---WHAT?!" I gaped at them both.

"Yeah, Lucy too." This time I feel like my soul leave my body.

No way...

"She-She's married... by whom?" I feel the surging anger inside me but my body wouldn't cooperate. I feel like my brain lost all its senses.

"Sting/Hibiki?" They both said in unison. Just like that my temper surge up.

"Are you two playing dumb jokes at me?" I eyed them angrily.

"Woah there, Salamander..." Gajeel raised his two hands "...You were just gone for three years and you already know how to use your head?" He added grinning.

"Congratulations dude." Gray said. I was trying to control my temper not to hit this two.

"By the way, If you're wondering why she's that famous..." Gajeel looked something inside, I think Levy's bag and tossed me a magazine. It's the Sorcerer's Weekly issued last week, I immediately looked inside it. Passing the photos of the models, I'm looking for her name below the articles where the writer's name is written. I finished looking at it. But, none.

"Gajeel. You freaking iron head----" Gray grabbed the magazine from me and immediately opened it to the center fold where I didn't bother looking at because it's just a photo spread of Mira or Jenny for .... "What the hell?!" Lucy is in there, her hair is in wavy curls and she was posing in a very seductive way wearing a two piece bikini and on the other pages as well.

What in the hell...

"Man, your nose is bleeding." Gajeel said looking disgusted. My hand immediately held my nose. Oh! For Mavis sake!

"See? Leave your girl for too long and she will be in the center fold in no time." Gray teased me.

"She's not my girl idiot!" I said defensively. Well, its true that she's not. But if she wants me to claim her, Of course I will.

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