12 signs that your crush maybe the one

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You can't help but smile when you see her/him and s/he is always smiling back.

You feel comfortable and secure in the relationship and really trust your partner not to hurt you; ie, there is no need for jealousy or suspicion.

There have been good times and bad times and through, or in spite of, them all you have remained together.

There are no major dramas in the relationship; ie, you do not test one anothers love, engage in relationship foiling gossip or feel the need to play games.

You each do kind and thoughtful things for the other "just because" and doing them makes both people feel good.

Outside pressures are few and far between; there are none or only minor issues with peers, friends, family and teachers.

There is no violence in the relationship at all -- NONE!

You enhance one another, neither one of you presses the other to do things that may lead to harm or that the other is opposed to doing.

The things that make you different do not push you apart; ie, different religions, cultural backgrounds or personal beliefs.

There is no sacrifice, only compromise.

Sex or no sex: it doesn't matter, either way it isn't an issue and nobody has been pressured to do something they weren't ready to do.

You know that everything you feel is returned in kind by your partner.

12 signs that your crush maybe the oneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon