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"Dakota! Get your butt out of bed already!"

 That and the sound of my blaring alarm was how my morning usually goes.

Groggily I sat up from bed, tousled dark chestnut hair tumbling down my shoulders and some curtaining my oily face.

The ringing sound of my alarm shut off as I pressed the dismiss button and I placed my feet on the floor feeling shivers run up my spine from the cold pavement. I stood up and headed to my closet grabbing a towel and some clothes.

 "There you are, Dakota. Seriously, this is the third time this week." Emma, my aunt- although she doesn't want me to call her aunt Emma- gave a small smiling sigh as she plated crepes on a plate.

 "Yeah, I know. I'm sorry, I just got caught up making sure all my stuff's ready.." I sheepishly answered.

"Ooh, speaking of. I need you to go out in town to buy some school supplies for your brother." She grinned.

"He forgot to buy his stuff again, didn't he?" I sighed as I swallowed the mushed bits of crepe in my mouth.

 "Please? I'll make you an extra brownie?" She smiled pleadingly with puppy-eyes.

"Fine. Aslong as I get those brownies." I chuckled rolling my eyes as she cheered and happy danced in the kitchen.

This was my aunt. Weird and bubbly for a fourty-five year old. She always wore elegant clothes yet was funky and weird.

After eating and watching my weird aunt do her tiny happy dance session I left to go get ready.

 I was almost finished with the list of school supplies I had to buy for my idiot brother whom I loved dearly when he suddenly texted me saying he had another thing for me to buy.

 Seriously..this kid is so lazy..

I reached the bookstore which I was just in twenty minutes ago and just as I was about to push the door open, the door swung open hitting my head harshly.

I blacked out after that.


The smell of sterilizers filling my nose and a couple of disoriented voices rang in my ears.

"Must you always open doors that roughly?"

"It wasn't my fault alright? And besides, she's not dead is she."

The first voice sounded deep and stern scolding the other. The second seemed to have a British accent and had smooth low voice.

"The poor girl's hurt. She's a kid, Robbie. Her parents can sue us."

My eyes squinted open at that and at first I was blinded by the bright light on the ceiling before I could see two people on either side of the bed talking.

"What would happen to your job now. You just got accepted to. If she sues us, Robbie-"

"Tyler, would you calm down. We'll think of something."

The two continued to talk not noticing that I was even awake so I cleared my throat slightly which gained their attention.

"You're awake! Thank goodness."

The guy with neatly fixed light brown hair and bright blue eyes smiled in relief flashing pearly whites at me.

"Uh..what-what happened? Where am I." I asked carefully.

"You're in the infirmary. I apologize for what's happening also." He said flashing an apologetic look.

"That's- that's fine. Uhm, but who are you again?"

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