chapter 7: almost lost him

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Lyrics P.O.V

OMG I cant believe we are almost to yalls house babe!!!! im soooo ready to be off this thing and on something without wheels.Jayy smiled, me too, i miss my room. Which is now our room, unless you want to have your own room after the other nights inncadent. No, babe its ok, and besides I wouldnt beable to sleep without you there with me. Oh shit, babe that reminds me, in the next day or two me and Dahvie have to go do some some band stuff, and you wont beable to tag along, he said with a sad face. I looked up at him, why? how come? well its stuff we have to get done for the band and no one can know about it, not even friends and family. I just stood there with silence. So im going to be in the house all alone? No, do you think im crazy, im not leaveing you alone without me, Sally is going to be here after me and dahvie leave, dont worry its only for a day or two, i will be back before you know it, he leaned in to kiss me, I promise.

    2 hours later we arive at this big 2 story house. IS THIS YALLS HOUSE? why yes it is, do you like it? its beautiful. Jayy smiled, just wait till you see the inside. We parked the bus and Dahvie opened the under storage place where my bags were. JAYY!!! what? he asked, but I could tell by the look on his face he knew exacly what I ment. Do not touch that bag. Please oh please? i promise I wont look in it. No, you already seen the one I bought at the mall and thats enough. But i didnt see you wear it. I smiled, And you wont unless you listen to me, i said jokeingly. He hung his head, ok ok ill be a good boy for you, he said flirtatiously. I walked over and patted him on the head, good boy, im glad, I laughed histarically, he on the other hand didnt find it to funny, he started to run after me, but i headed toward the front yard, and darn his long legs caught up with me and he tackeled me to the ground, he strateled me and sat on my stomach so I couldnt get up, then he started to tickle me so I couldnt go anywhere. I laughed so hard. STOP JAYY stop, its starting to hurt, last time you tickeled me I had a bruise for a week. He quickely go up, really? he asked in a worried tone, i got up, he was still on his k nees, we were the same height if he was on his knees and I was standing up, I got real close to his ear and whispered no!!! and kissed his cheek and ran toward the door. I closed the door and locked it. He said, oh thats ok, ill just grab this bag of clothes full of goodies. he came back up to the front door. HHMMM i wonder what is in here, I could hear him openeing the bag, I opened the door real quick, and he ran in so fast, and picked me up in the process, threw me over his shoulder and carried me upstairs. we came to a closed door. he sat me back on the ground. Ok babe this our room for the next 2 weeks. He opened the door and his room was beautiful, it was red and black, really clean, had dead looking rose archway type deal in the corner and posters hanging here and there on the wall. He showed me where to put my clothes, I grabbed my bags and just put them in the corner, maybe you could help me unpack all my clothes tonight, I might even let you unpack your favorite bag. His eyes lit up, really? that would be so kind and sweet of you, he said jokingly. HEY lovebirds come down stairs now!!!

    We raced downstairs. When I got down stairs my heart dropped, My dad had actually found me. LYRIC get you shit, and your ass in the car now, we are leaving. NO!!!!, i said, oh no, you better watch you mouth young lady, i am still your father and you will listen to me. GET. YOUR. STUFF!!!! NO i said. he stomped over to me and smacked me across the face which sent me flying across the room. Jayy was PISSED, he ran toward him, my did easily out weighed jayy by 100 pounds, he caught jayy and threw him up against the wall where there happen to be a mirror. the mirror shaddered, and my dad picked up a shredded piece and stabbed jayy a few times, after that I could hear sirens, they rang in my head, I could feel a thik warm running down my face, i put my hand up to my face and i felt blood, I must have hit it on the corner of the table when my dad hit me. I didnt care, my dad had ran out the door to escape the police. I got up and ran over to jayy, who was badly hurt, I was freaking out. JAYY? JAYY? can you hear me? JAYY answer me. Tears were running down my face. My head hurt so bad i eventually passed out. And right before I did I saw 5 paramedics rush in with 2 gurnies, then I was out cold.

LOVE TOOK ME BY SUPRISE. (jayy von and lyric love story)Where stories live. Discover now