
41 5 5

Species: human

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Species: human

Age: (fell down)17,(current age)23.

Hight: 150 centimeters

Sexuality: homosexual

Soul color: orange

Personality: brave, friendly, really protective, not the honest person, funny, strong.

Likes: nature, fighting, FOOD, everyone except Flowey.

Dislikes: bullies, Chara, Jerry, doing chores.

Crush: Canter (Lel I ship it)

Family: older brother(Simon), mom, dad, aunt, two probably dead siblings.

Favorite color: green,neon orange and blue.

Weakness: sensitive when her parents are mentioned in a conversation, fear of seeing Chara, gives up easily (not determined)

HP: (don't remember I think it was 200 or sometin')

LV: (don't remember XD)

You can rp with her if you want in the comments section :P

I'm outta here xxx

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