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you're my one and only


Mentioned: @lavlav876

@ginerva_weasley cute

@lavlav876 Thanks boo! 😘

@llovegood sweeties


@ginerva_weasley added @weasley_the_king, @thechosenone, @brownbookworm, @llovegood, @herbology_lover123, @slytherin_prince, @chocho_chang, @ced_dig, @gredweasley, and @dean_thomas to Hogwarts Clan


ginerva_weasley Hey guys!!!

slytherin_prince why did you add me to this

ginerva_weasley because it's everyone from our year with ig

thechosenone i agree why did you add some of these people i don't even know some of them

slytherin_prince thank you Harry

thechosenone 😉

weasley_the_king somb0dy's got a cruuuuush

thechosenone shut tf up ron

chocho_chang everybody knows don't deny it

@thechosenone has left the group Hogwarts Clan

A/N yaay group chats now

edit: why did I think using zeros as O's was cool send help

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