I cared for him

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His black hair and brown eyes made me melt,

Just seeing his face made butterflies appear in my stomach,

My heart beat increased when he spoke to me,

My cheeks flushed a bright red,

His smile shines like the sun,

His laugh makes may sound like a hyena's, but I loved him,

Butterflies always appeared when he was around, but it didn't last,

My red cheeks, his bright smile, his touch on my skin,

I look up at him, his height is amazing,

The hugs he gives me, makes my heart beat faster.

His black hair and brown eyes made me melt,

The butterflies when I saw him,

I hate how hard I fell for him,

His slimmish figure, his strong arms,

I felt safe in his arms, but that didn't last long,

When I was sad his terrible jokes made me feel better,

His long hair was soft and beautiful,

Our fingers intertwining, my heart beating faster,

After a while his feeling changed, maybe he was getting tired of me?

I didn't care I loved him.

His black hair, and brown eyes used to make me melt,

My heart broken, his mind made up,

His strong arms not holding me anymore,

Our fingers not intertwining anymore,

The butterflies were still there, but he didn't notice me,

His smile faded when he saw me, he never laughed anymore,

My cheeks still flushed red like a rose, but he didn't notice and he didn't care,

Our skin never touched, my hands never touched his hair again, or his face,

His height still amazing, but I could never look up to him again,

He was tired of me.

His short black hair and brown eyes haven't made me melt,

I love for him fades ever so slowly,

He is a wonderful guy, but he doesn't care about me,

My heart still skips a beat when I see him,

I still like him, people say you never forget your first love,

When we talk butterflies still appear, but I pretend they don't exist,

I pretend that seeing his smile that's like the sun doesn't make me happy,

My mind still wonders to the good times between us,

Feeling his strong arms wrapped around me, the feeling of being safe, I miss it,

He forgot about me, but I will never forget such a wonderful guy like that, I still love you.

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