Part 169 : Dare : Ruki x Ayato Lemon

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Anime_30 : Darknessyandere has dared Ruki and Ayato to do Smut !!!

The Sakamaki Brothers and Yui were all in the limousine, heading towards the Night School. With one leg crossed over the other, Ayato stared out of the window to the left side of him. He had been seeing a lot of Ruki the past week and it was annoying him. Ruki didn't even do anything when he came up to Ayato. He sort of just stared at Ayato like a creep.

Yui noticed Ayato zoning out and decided to speak.
"Ayato? Are you okay?" She was a little weary of him, since he was more than rough when he drank her blood last night. She knew he had something on his mind that was bothering him.

"I'm fine, Pancake" Ayato snapped at her and turned around to face her. "Unless you don't believe me and you want to end like an actual pancake on the road?"

"A-Ayato!!" Yui backed away from him "I do believe you! Stop saying those things!!"

"Tch. Stupid Pancake" he rolled his eyes and leant in closer to her, frightening her" You owe me your blood later on"

"O-Okay.... "She nodded and looked away from him, still scared.


As the bell for the next class went off, Ayato decided to put his books in his locker and bunk off, sneaking towards the roof. He wasn't in the mood and Ruki would be in his next class anyway, making everything even more awkward.

As he headed through the hallway, his wrist was grabbed and he was pulled back. He bumped into the person's chest, which felt like a male's.

"Class isn't that way, Ayato"

"What the fuck!? Ruki!?" Ayato turned around to face the eldest Mukami, his wrist still in Ruki's grip "What the hell are you doing!?"

"I could say the same thing to you" Ruki replied in his usual cold tone "You were skipping class again, weren't you?''

"N-No. Why is it any of your business, anyway!!?"

"No reason" Ruki smirked and then pushes Ayato against the wall, holding both his wrists.

"Get off me or ill deck you!!!" Ayato screeched at his rival, kicking his legs out to land a hit on Ruki.

Ruki dodged it and chuckled, pressing his body against the younger male.

"You're sexy when you fight back like this, Ayato~" he grinned at the glare he received from the red head. He then lent down and kissed Ayato, pushing his tongue into the younger's mouth.

Ayato's eyes widened completely and fought back against the kiss. However, Ruki only deepened it and pushes Ayato against the wall more, his crotch pressing against the red head's. He grinned when he felt Ayato kiss him back.

Letting go of Ayato's wrists, he slid his hands into the younger male's shirt and felt up his chest. Ayato let out a whiny moan, which made Ruki grin again. Pulling away, Ruki then painted slightly and removed Ayato's jacket, dropping it onto the floor. He unbuttoned Ayato's shirt and leant down, placing kisses on the red head's chest. Ayato moaned again, rubbing his crotch against Ruki's.

"You're eager, aren't you~?" Ruki's voice was husky.

"Y-You started it.... "Ayato replied, his cheeks as red as his hair.

"Alright then~" Ruki chuckled deeply and the pushed Ayato onto the floor, getting on top of him "You want me to fuck you now~?" He played with the zipper of Ayato's pants, feeling his own erection straining against his pants.

"Just fuck me" Ayato said impatiently,growing slightly.

"Okay~" Ruki unzipped Ayato's pants and pulled them down to his ankles, followed by his boxers. He then pulled his own pants and underwear down, revealing his hard length to Ayato "Get on your hands and knees" he said in a deep tone, flipping Ayato over.

The red head shivered slightly, doing as Ruki said. He then felt Ruki push his length inside him, gripping his hips. Ruki then started to thrust, going at a slow and teasing pace.

"Ruki. Faster" Ayato whined.

Ruki smirked and then fucked Ayato faster, thrusting roughly inside him. Ayato moaned loudly, his voice echoing through the empty hallways. "H-Harder~!!" He pushed back against Ruki, making his length go deep inside him.

"You're so frisky~" Ruki panted, thrusting much more harder. He enjoyed the sound of Ayato's loud moans and he felt as if he would cum at any time.

"Ruki~! Gonna cum~!" Ayato said with his eyes closed, his body rocking back and forth with Ruki's thrusts.

"Ghnn~ Me too~" Ruki continued to fuck Ayato, his hands gripping the red head's hips. He soon came hard, shooting his load deep inside Ayato.

Soon after, Ayato came. His fluid spurted out onto the floor. Ruki pulled out of him and pulled his pants up, sitting next to Ayato. The younger male crossed his legs, trying to hide his crotch with his white shirt. Ruki leant down and kissed Ayato again.

Minutes later, Yui walked past them. Her books dropped out of her hands when she saw the two.
"Ruki!? A-Ayato!!?"

"Pancake!? What the hell!!?" Ayato grabbed his jacket and covered himself with it, his cheeks turning a deep shade of red.

"W-What are you two doing!!?" Yui's eyes were wide with shock.

"N-Nothing!! Get out of here, Pancake!!"

Yui nodded and picked up her books, running away from the scene.


After school, Ayato joined Yui and his brothers in the limo. He was fully clothed and he had fixed his hair.

"Took you long enough" Reiji commented, not looking up from the book he was reading.

"It's a long story" Ayato replied, taking his usual seat next to Yui. He couldn't look her in the eyes after what had happened earlier. He looked out of the window again, trying to ignore the stinging sensation in his rear.

Anime_30 : Dare is finished bye !

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