Chapter 1 •••Lost But Found•••

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It was late at night, I couldn't fall asleep. I was to busy thinking about school. It was going to be the first day of my freshman year in high school. I had to switch schools because my dad got a job as lawyer. Sooner or later my alarm clock went off. Beep! Beep!

It's morning already" said Ruby

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It's morning already" said Ruby. "Wake up sunshine, your don't wanna be late for you're first day of high school" said mom. I gave it a big sigh then rolled of my bed hitting the hard floor. "OUCH" said Ruby.

       As I finished brushing my teeth and also took a shower, I went back in my room to pick out some clothes, that I just brought from the mall yesterday. What I put on was some ripped jeans and a white floral top. I looked in the mirror and smiled.

I was really worried at what the students at the school would think of my clothes

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I was really worried at what the students at the school would think of my clothes. I rushed down stairs to eat my breakfast, so that I wouldn't be late. I kissed my mom and dad goodbye and went on the bus. Once I got to school, I rushed to find my locker.

          I finally found it."Ugh it's so hard to get this thing open" said Ruby. "Let me do it for ya, these lockers can be tough to open" said ???. "You must be new here, hi I'm Rose" said Rose. "oh uh......I'm Ruby" said Ruby. "What classes do you have, you might have the same as me" said Rose. "Umm.....I have English first" said Ruby. "Omg me too" said
Rose. As we walked to class I got a anonymous text message from someone. I read it in my mind it said

 I read it in my mind it said

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To be continued...........

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