Chapter-18 ( important meeting)

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Y/n pov
I woke up , it was 7:30 am , I have a important meeting today. I walked to my closet , took two towels and went to the washroom.
I brushed my teeth , washed my hair , took shower , wrapped a towel around me , and my hair and went to my room . I took the hair dryer and dried my hair , and then brushed my hair and then straightened my hair .
I choose my clothes , did a bit of makeup , I surely don't want to look like a ghost in front of the clients .
I wore this , and tied my hair into a pony tail.

I went downstairs and sat at the dining table with my parents , we chatted a bit about business and stuff

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I went downstairs and sat at the dining table with my parents , we chatted a bit about business and stuff.
I got up and left to the garage , I hoped into my car and drove to the office.
All the staff were looking to happy , what's wrong with them today.
I entered my cabin , and saw Jimin on my couch , sitting comfortably.
" yahh , what are u doing here against my will" I said
" why can't I meet my soon to be wife" he asked
" u just can't get in whenever u want too " I said
"I'm ur husband , I will enter anywhere anytime it's my wish , even if ur showering " he said smirking
" yaahh !! Byuntae ( pervert) " I screamed at him
" chill I was joking , well wouldn't u ask me why I'm here" he said
" why are u her sir??? " I said sir sarcastically.
" well , tonight there is a party , where ur and my parents told us both to attend it , so get ready by 6:00 pm , I'll pick u up at ur house"
" I won't go" I said
" it's not a request , it's an order and has the end " he said
" arggh , fine is it a formal party ??" I asked
" do you expect it to be kids party , it's obviously a formal party " he said and left.
It was soon time for the meeting , i entered the meeting room and saw jungkook .
Oh wait he is the CEO of the jeon company .
" hello miss.y/n " he said formally
" hello mr. jeon " I said formally
We soon finished the meeting and our company got a lot of profit because of this project .
" it was a pleasure working with u mr. jeon " I said
" same here miss, y/n " he said
As soon as he left , even I went out of the room ,
He turned back and said " long time no see !! "
" how are you speaking informally to me now ??, u were to formal when in the meeting " I said
" u know , we should keep our professional and personal life in different ways" he said
" yea " i said
We had lunch together and talked about a lot of stuff , he was quite shocked when he came to know that I'm going to marry Jimin .
He soon left and I wrapped up all the work and drove back to my house .
I got ready for attending the party .
This is what I wore

 This is what I wore

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I went downstairs , when I heard a knock on my door ,  I saw Jimin standing there looking gorgeous as usual

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I went downstairs , when I heard a knock on my door , I saw Jimin standing there looking gorgeous as usual.
He gave me a ring , it was the engagement ring and it was a couple ring

 He gave me a ring , it was the engagement ring and it was a couple ring

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-chapter 18 ended-

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