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Reese entered the laundry shop with his basket of soiled clothes. The bell above his head jingled, catching the attention of a few of the customers. After giving a brief greeting to the owner, Reese approached an inoccupied washing machine. Ignoring the next ring of the door bell, he loaded his laundry into the machine. Reese saw a girl loading her own clothes two machines away as he put in the laundry liquids.

When the washing machine began rumbling the stuff around, he sat atop the table behind him. Swinging his legs, his eyes wandered around the shop. There were quite a few older people, though there was a mother with two mischievous kids running around and the girl near him. He saw small, lacy garment on the linoleum tile floor and narrowed his eyes. Reese realized that it was a frilly thong and chuckled. Picking it up between his pointer finger and thumb, he figured that it was the girl's underwear.

"Is this yours?" Reese asked with a smirk. The girl was sticking her head inside the machine. He resisted the temptation to glance at her butt, which was slightly swaying to the beat of the music she was listening to. She jumped, her head bumping into the metal contraption. Her eyes widened as she saw what was in his hands.

"Oh- Yeah, um, it's mine. Thanks." She snatched the undergarment away and shoved it into machine. "You're welcome," Reese hopped onto the table again, a few feet away from the stranger. Meanwhile, she closed the door and pressed a couple buttons. He watched her as she pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from the inside of her jacket.

The girl noticed his gaze on her  and looked at him. "You want one?" She asked, holding out the box. Reese shrugged, but reached for one anyway. "Thanks." He said, lighting it. The two sat in silence as they watched the whirlpools of fabric turn in a soapy and watery mess. Reese glanced at her again. The girl sighed, but didn't look away from the washing machine. "Can I help you?"

"Sorry, it's just that - have I seen you before? You look like this girl I know; Penny, her name was." Reese tilted his head to a small angle. "I don't know a Penny." The stranger blew out a cloud of smoke. "I'm Reese." He introduced himself, shifting the cancer stick between his fingers. "And you?" Reese asked when she didn't answer for a few moments. "I am..." The girl paused, breathing in her cigarette. "...Eliza."

Reese moved closer and stuck his hand out. "Nice to meet you, Eliza." She grabbed his hand and shook it firmly. Reese's washing machine made a beeping noise, signalling the end. While he was loading his things into a dryer, Eliza whispered low enough that Reese couldn't hear. "And it was nice to see you once again, Reese."


First original story - yay! So, tell me what you think, yeah?
P.S. This story was inspired by that scene in Skins (UK): Series 2, Episode 8, where Cassie and Jal are in the arcade, and Cassie uses fake names for herself, Jal, and Sid. 
Please comment, vote, and follow! Thanks - dani

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2014 ⏰

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